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I was pacing back and forth when the nurse and doctors took my parents to the ER.

I sat down waiting for anything.

" Mrs.Lee" I heard as I stood up.

" doctor, are my parents okay?" I asked nervously.

" I am sorry, but your father didn't survive." He said making tears falling out of my eyes.

" and my mother?" I asked in a shaky voice.

" she is in a coma." He said which made my heart sink.

" I am sorry , but there is a capability that she is not going to survive." He said making me sigh and I heard the shakiness in my voice.

" can I go see them?" I asked

" yes ,only 10 minutes." He said making me nod.

I saw only my mom.

" my father is gone, and you please don't leave me." I said holding my mothers hand.

" please stay with me."

After 10 minutes I had to leave, I started walking to home.

I entered the house and cleaned it.

But then I remembered we had CCTV camera's.

I went to the room and checked.

My parents were fighting and.....

Dad hit mom hard making her bleed and fall to the ground.

And then dad killed him self with a knife.


Why now?

I sighed as I finished cleaning the house, I went and sat in my room.

I hugged the pillow tightly as tears fell.

" I am such an idiot, why did I leave the house? Why did I even go to the store? I should have said no. But mom will force me. Does my brother know? Why he doesn't care about us anymore, so what's the point?it's been a year since he visited." I said into the pillow.

" do I have to go to school tomorrow?" I asked

" yes I do." I said as I cuddled with my blanket as I closed my eyes to go to bed.

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