Just then Wanji bursts through the bathroom door and  pacifies the flames  . He lifts my unconscious body off the floor and places me on the bed .

When I regain consciousness,   I met with Wanji's loving angry eyes .

" why did you do that ???? .... would you leave me alone....huh ?"

" Atlas-  ...Chonde- " , I sob , " Chonde killed Sakwhi...."

" And you believe that?"

" There is footage of him killing her ....at the scene of the crime.... at Y.A.N.A"

He switches on my tv and puts the tape in  .

" This footage?.... Look at that man .... his eyes are cold and lifeless .... that is not Atlas ..."

" but that is him .... that's him ... can't you see ? !" , I shout .

" look closely at the man's  forehead  he has a strange tatoo....doesn't look like-"

"Inembo" ,  I say with a shiver  . I now understand what was happening  , a witchdoctor was at play . Someone had called upon the power of the Ng'anga .

In its original meaning, witch doctors were emphatically not witches themselves, but rather people who had remedies to protect others against witchcraft. How times change.


The night comes with such a bitterness that the rutted brown fields take on the appearance of a sugared cobbler under the moonlight. The cold steals every bit of water from the air it can in its frenzy to frost over the countryside .

I know where I will find her . In the hut , beyond the farm . The dogs are hollering at the moon in anxious fits as if they know what was happening.

When people call on the Muchape , the witchfinder there is a song they sing  in chewa.

Who is offended ?
Him who was offended .
What did they take ?
A life for a life.
What must be returned ?
A life for a life.

To whom must it be given?
The one who was offended.
Where will you find the offender?
Where the dogs are hollering...

I arrive at the hut and the wind blows violently as if to say ," you are not welcome here ". I step into the hut when the shadow of a man appears, 

"my Daughter  I have been expecting you..." , he says with a crooked smile.

Someone hits my head and I drop to the ground unconsciously .


I wake up tied to a huge pole , besides a fire  where the witch doctor is chanting spells and incarnations. 

Aunty Nkumbukira is now visible in her full form with a triumphant smile .

" You Killed Sakwhima! " , I  scream at her in tears.

" hush Child,  you'll wake the ancestors..." , she says with a chuckle, " It needed to be done ....to break your stubborn spirit"

" Why ? ..... " , I ask .

" Because now I can make you mad .... and no one will ever know it was power of the muuti ,  charms...." , she say before adding on , " Your friend is dead,  your prince charming is  in jail .....  you know what happened to  you dear ? ... your depression drove you mad .... you got so sad you lost your senses .. "

" no....no...no!" ,  I scream . I can feel the muuti taking over my brain , I will fight it . I must fight it. .for Sakwhima.

" Yes dear ..... don't fight it ... and when you go mad ...your father will have no choice but to make me his heir ..... and I wil own everything !!! While you rot in Chainama..." , she says with venomous laughter.

" You did this for money ? ! "

She frowns .

" I never quite liked you .....you're an uncultured swine....!" 

" I never quite liked you too .... witch !" , I tell her .

She reaches out to slap me when Wanji appears behind her and holds her impending hand .

" Oh no you don't....."  , he says .

One of the policemen  , Wanji had followed me with has already handcuffed the witchdoctor   and the other walks towards us . Wanji unties me and lets me down .He looks familiar, He's the one that arrested Atlas.  I hand him the recording tape I had stashed away in my boobs  as evidence against great Aunty .

" You are  under arrest for the murder of Sakwhima J Phiri and for conspiring for the attempted murder of Miss Nthochi  Ngwira ... You have the right to remain silent ...anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.."

" I will destroy you !"  , she screams, " Your family will know no peace !!!....this is not the last of me!"

They take her away and Wanji hands me a blanket.  

" Cold weather were having huh?"

" Wanji .. " , I frown at him .

" What?"

I kiss him on his cheek briefly.

"What was that for ?" , he asks .

" For being  the best friend ever ...", I tell him.

" What's a favour between friends... ? Let's go rescue your boyfriend from ma Jaile   before someone tries to rape him..."


" I'm Kidding...I'm Kidding...", he grins.

My Boyfriend , Atlas .Where stories live. Discover now