Ray's Little Art Girl Part 7

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I slowly started to drift back into consciousness and I started to hear muffed noises. I started twitching my hand and moving my head. I figured I was in a hospital because I lost consciousness. When the feeling started coming into my fingers, I could feel another hand in mine. without thinking about the person next to me, I moved a little bit more in the bed. I heard a loud muffled sound that hurt my head. I turned my head away and I heard a quiet muffled sound and something that sounded like footsteps.
The room was quiet but I didn't want to open my eyes because I knew that would hurt. Feeling started to come back to me slowly. I started to feel my arm hurting, then my side, then my head. I didn't have enough energy to raise my hands all the way up to my head yet. My hearing was a bit better when the doctor, I suppose, came into the room.
"Julie?" I could understand what he said, but it still sounded like I was underwater. I wanted to speak but I didn't want to open my mouth. I groaned and I heard footsteps running out of the room and calling to some nurses. The person had sat down next to the bed. I opened my mouth to talk, and I was surprised at the amount of strength that took.
"T-," I tried to get more out, "turn off the light." I tried to point my chin toward the very bright light above my bed. I couldn't open my eyes to such a bright light just yet. I felt the light turn off, and the room became dark enough for me to open my eyes. I slightly turn to see Joe slouching in the chair next to me. I moved as much as I could away from him.
"What?" He put his hands in the air, "I called the doctor, i turned off the light, what more do you want?" I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes again.
"Where's Ray?" I asked in an almost whisper.
"That pansy, yea, he's probably jerking off to some anime chick at home." I cringed at his words. The nurses came in holding blood pressure monitors and IVs. The doctor came in again and walked over by me.
"Doc," I said. The doctor leaned closer to me to hear me. "I want him out of here." the doctor looked at Joe and then back at me.
"I'm sorry sir, but it would be better if you left the room at this point." My hearing had come back fully now, and it seemed like everyone was screaming.

"Why? I'm her ex boyfriend? I've seen her naked, why can't I stay?" He was yelling and I tried to bury my head in my pillow to muffle the sound more. I was gritting my teeth too because I thought it would help with the noise.

"Sir, please don't make us call in the authorities and have you thrown out." I wanted Joe gone, whether that meant being thrown out or just walking out, I didn't want him here. he probably only came back to see me suffering and was disappointed that I had actually pulled through. They started yelling back and forth making my head hurt more and more. Finally, Joe stormed out of the room because he knew he couldn't win that fight.

The doctors put an IV in my arm and checked my blood pressure, and more things that doctors do on a normal checkup. they told me to take it easy for today and tomorrow and after that I would be sent home.

"Could I have my phone?" I asked trying to reach for my pink phone on the bedside table. the nurse gave it to my without hesitation. I dialed the number that I wanted. The phone rang twice.

"Julie?" Ray's voice echoes through my head.

"Ray," I sighed, "where are you?"

"In the waiting room. Joe walked into your room when I left to get the doctors and then I was told that I couldn't get back into your room until they were done doing whatever."

"Well they're done so you can come in." I hung up on him and waited to hear footsteps. Ray walked into the room and I couldn't help but smile. He hadn't shaved and he looked like he just woke up. he was still in his polo from the party. "You haven't changed clothes?" I asked.

"No cause I've been here with you, I haven't been home in," he looked at the clock on the opposite wall, "31 hours."

"Was I really out for that long? I had no idea. I'm so sorry, you didn't have to wait for me, I-" he put his hand up to stop me.

"It's okay. You didn't mean to slip into a coma." he kissed my forehead and he didn't freeze. "You get some rest. I'll go home and change and then I'll make sure that Joe doesn't. Come in here again. Alright?"

"Thank you Ray."

"No problem, now go to sleep."

(Sorry this took so long. School and everything. I hope this is okay for now. see you soon! -thediamondgal)

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