There's Really Nothing There

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Crowley and Aziraphale were once more enjoying each others company in the bookshop. At this point, they each have had, at the very least, drunk two bottles of wine each. Though, Crowley was just a tad bit in the lead with a glass more than aziraphale. Least to say, they were both in the realm of comfortably drunk.

Crowley, being a chronic alcoholic since alcohol was first invented, was handling his drunkenness a bit better than aziraphale was. But only by a bit, as he quite liked to revel in the light feeling of being drunk and the excuse to blame any of his undesirable actions on the wine.

Aziraphale only ever indulged in alcohol during special events, such as his clandestine meetings with crowley. And, well, he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the occasional glass of wine with a good book. Only occasionally of course... no more than three times a week... well, there was that one time where he did enjoy quite the number more than that-

Needless to say, he wouldn't say he was an avid intaker of alcohol like crowley was. Though perhaps he was just in denial- no, he would maintain what he said before. He is a firm believer that he is not an alcoholic. That is unless you asked someone else, for example crowley, who would say aziraphale most definitively is an alcoholic. Just an alcoholic in denial, of course.

But this is starting to get off topic. What was the topic again? Oh, yes, that.

It was getting later into the night, late enough that the thought of sending crowley on home alone, drunk, and in the dark. Well, it was not a pleasant thought to aziraphale to be quite honest. Sure, crowley couldn't necessarily be killed, but he could be discorporated. And with how he had left his respective office the last time... Well, aziraphale had little doubt that if crowley were to be unfortunately discorporated it would be quite the long wait for him to return, if he returned at all that is. Yes, he decided he should 'play it safe', as they say, and ask crowley if he would so kindly keep him company the rest of the night and stay over. 

And besides, crowley did seem to be rather glued to the couch... maybe even comfortable, despite the... well... weird position he was laying in.

Crowley, if he was also being truthful, which he very rarely ever was, didn't quite want to leave. He liked to think that since the Apocalypse that wasn't that he and aziraphale have started to become at least a little bit closer. Perhaps even close enough to spend the night at each others place. That is what he hopes anyway, it still wasn't clear to him exactly what they were now... or what they even were before the Armagedidnt... 

Either way, its not like it really mattered or anything. It wasn't like they were being watched by their respective offices anymore, or even if they were it wasn't like anything could be done to them now that they have shown how they were each 'immune' to their supposed weaknesses. 

Much to think on, that matter... it could be left for another day. or rather never. Crowley wasn't the best at keeping promises, even to himself. Unless of course aziraphale asked- His mind was going elsewhere. He needed to speak before aziraphale sent him on his way home. clearing his throat and turning his head towards aziraphale, he was just about to speak when he noticed that aziraphale had done the same thing.

"Oh, my bad angel, what were you going to say?" 

Aziraphale shook his head. "No, no, dear boy, you go first. i'm sure what you were going to say will be quite more important than what i have."

crowley raised a brow at that, but shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly. "Well, you see, I've become quite drunk." he states plainly, drawling his words and slurring them together just slightly to make his point known more.

Aziraphale nods. "Yes, i can see that. Though you really don't have to play it up like that, dear. i could tell quite well before."

Crowley huffs softly and rolls his eyes, his glasses sliding just a bit down his nose until they were almost about to tip off. "Right, well, as i was saying. I'm very drunk. Too drunk to drive my Bentley i think. Wouldn't want to cause an accident and harm her, you know? so..." crowley drawls off for a moment, hoping aziraphale would catch what he was saying so he wouldn't have to say it himself.

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