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“Ugh! I can’t believe I bombed the test!” Asch groaned, hitting his head on the paper. Rhys, who was walking besides him, rolled his eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” Asch yelled. 

“I did pretty average,” Pierce said, not paying attention to any of Asch’s mini ‘tantrum’. “What about you Rhys?” he asked. 

Rhys smirked and showed his paper. He got a perfect score. “Well Asch, it seems like you lost. I told you to study, but you just wanted to play games with Leif. I’m not saving you this time,” he said. 

Asch growled, but he ended up in a sigh. “That old man is going to kill me… I just hope Rhal has an even worse grade than me tho, saves me the headache,” he said. They walked around the corner of their appartement, seeing five strange people standing there. 

One of them seemed to have fainted, leaning against the girl with brown hair. The fact that there was someone who actually fainted alarmed Pierce, who ran up to them. His action made the other four aware of his presence and they all pulled out their weapons. 

“Weapons?! Pierce, get away!” Rhys yelled. Asch grabbed his phone, about to dial 911. 

“What do you want from us?” the taller guy of the group asked, his eyes filled with aggression. “Stay away from the princess, you-“

Pierce grabbed the unconscious girl, placing her down on the floor. She then started to press down, then did CPR. The unconscious girl started to cough, regaining her consciousness. 

“He.. he revived the princess?” the shorter guy said, eyes wide behind his hair. 

Pierce sighed, standing up and joining his friends. He did what he could do, which was saving the girl. It would be bad if she had remained unconscious for longer, seeing as she was practically not breathing. Asch had already put back his phone, glancing at the people.

“Why didn’t you guys bring her to the hospital?” he asked. This wasn’t odd for Asch, as he was the confrontational type. With a slightly more angrier expression, he continued, “She obviously couldn’t breath! Why were you four just standing there, doing nothing?!” 

Rhys grabbed his shoulder. “Dude, Asch, let it go. Let’s just leave. The girl is alright, so we don’t need to bother them anymore,” he tried calming down his best friend. 

“How dare you speak against us that way. Do you have any idea who we are?!” the blonde girl yelled. She was stopped by the girl who was unconscious just then. 

“We do not want to cause a scene here, do we? Steve, use your strength to keep them in lock, they could be of use to us,” she said. 

“Wait what?” Asch replied. Out of the sudden, he was being held captive, his arms locked up behind. He noticed that both Pierce and Rhys were locked in a tight grip as well. 

The girl, who those strange humans called ‘princess’ walked towards them, looking down with a deadly stare. 

“Now, bring us to your house, human.”

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