James groaned. He was going to be alone with Daisy in a classroom.

I'm going to be killed in detention.

Daisy was already in the classroom, looking normal, sitting there, already scribbling on a piece of paper. She didn't even look up when James walked in. He looked around for a teacher, but Burbage was not there. Instead there was a piece of paper for him, and already was a neat line of handwriting.

I will not disturb students in dinner time. 100 times.

"What? One hundred times?" James exclaimed. He had been in detention for thousands of times, but he had expected the teacher to go easy on him.

"Don't complain, I got 500 times." Daisy said, still scribbling with gritted teeth. James frowned.

"That's not fair." He said. She nodded.

"Me and Burbage, we don't get along." She paused. James nodded, wanting her to continue.

"Why?" He asked, really curious. She shrugged.

"None of your business. Not like you'd care, or you would believe me." She muttered. He looked at her. Daisy Evans was a complicated girl, she hid her emotions in front of people, so she was hard to read. But James really wanted to get to know Daisy.

"Come on, I won't tell. And why wouldn't I believe you?" James asked, raising his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes.

"Because it has something to do with Lily." Daisy snapped. James opened his mouth than shut it. He was completely aware of Daisy and Lily's relationship, but up till these few years, he had no idea how bad it was. In his first three years of Hogwarts, Lily Evans was a angel to him, and Daisy was invisible. Then Daisy got out from the shadows in her fourth year, and secrets slowly unraveled from Lily. She turned out to be a black angel, and her everyone saw it. Except for James. He knew about the stuff, but he refused to think that made her a bad person. Daisy actually admired him for that. She wanted to stand at his side.

Although Lily has done this to me that's unforgivable, but that doesn't make her a bad person.

"I swear I'll believe you." James said. Daisy raised her eyebrows and he nodded to confirm.

"Fine." Daisy told him the story. James frowned.

"Well...Lily wasn't being very nice." James said. Daisy rolled her eyes.

"No shit Sherlock." Daisy muttered under her breath.

"What?" James asked, confused.

"Never mind, Muggle American saying." She said. James suddenly walked over to her desk and snipped the piece of paper from her. He took it from her and started writing, mimicking Daisy's handwriting, which he ws actually doing a pretty good job.

"What... the... James!" Daisy said, her eyes widening.

"You don't deserve to do lines. You did nothing wrong. I got dared by Sirius, and it was my fault so yeah. Just read or something." He said, scribbling fast. Daisy looked at him for a long time.

"Are you sure you're the right James Potter? Because right now you're being really nice." She said softly. James burst into laughter.

"I can be nice. I can be smart. I can be good. I can be a lot of things that I don't seem like. But I'm myself, which I think it's one of the most important quality's a person should have. To be true to themselves." James said. Daisy was chocked by James words. She never thought that he could say something this deep. James wasn't done.

"In your first to third year, you were quiet. You were a teacher's pet. Actually you still are. You were invisible to people. You stayed in the shadows. But was that the real Daisy? Or was that just someone you thought you should be? Now, you're the real Daisy. The Daisy who loves quidditch. The Daisy who isn't afraid to back down from anything." James said.

"I'm a prankster. I'm a jokester. I'm a trouble maker. I know I am. I'm me. You can't change me." James said. Daisy's eyes connected with James. She didn't say anything, then turned away, smiling lightly.

"Thank you... I needed to hear that." She said, grinning at him.

"So you won't kill me because I turned you into a bunch of colors you hate?" He asked hopefully. She shook her head, laughing slightly.

"You know, I already planned out your death, but after you say something like that, I just can't get myself to do it." She said.

"I'm just curious, but what did you plan out?" He asked. Daisy grinned evilly at him.

"I'm not telling you, in case you prank me one more time, I can use it against you." She said. James gulped.

"Remind me never to prank you again." He said.

"Noted." Daisy said. James continued to scribble while Daisy pulled out a book she was reading. She ws actually relieved that James offered to help her do the lines, because she was sure she couldn't finish them in time, yet James was writing in full speed and he could finish it real soon, and also finish his own. He was obviously experienced in this.

"Can I just ask you something?" James asked. She looked at him and nodded.

"Why did you date Remus and Sirius?" He asked. She frowned at the question and slowly started to speak.

"Because I thought that I liked them. But looking back from now, I think I was rushing things. I wasn't completely sure of my feelings for them. I knew that both of them liked me, like they had an actual crush on me, but I don't think I did. I think that's why we didn't last." She said, and James nodded.

"What about your relationship problems?" She asked, raising her eyebrows at James. James ran his hands through his hair, which Daisy thought it was kind of... cute, and sighed.

"Lily refuses me all the time. But I don't know why! Since fourth year, I've been gentle to her, but she still hates me! But then...these days, I'm starting to realize, I think I'm also rushing things like you, I'm also not completely sure of my feelings for her." He said. Daisy nodded, and suddenly, she didn't know why, a flutter of hope appeared inside of heart, when James admitted that he wasn't sure that he had a crush on Lily.

"Lily doesn't hate you. She's in love with you, she's just playing hard to get." Daisy said shortly. James shrugged and continued to write.

They talked and shared a few laughs for the rest of detention, and surprisingly, James finished all 600 lines in total.

"You are a savior." Daisy whispered in James ear after they left the classroom. He winked at her.

"I know right." He said and left her standing there. For some reason, James Potter triggered something inside her. it was then when Daisy realized what was happening.

I'm developing a crush on James Potter. This. is. not. good. 

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