New Teacher

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Ariana's p.o.v
When I got to school I saw my best friend Skylar waking towards me with a big smile on her face." Hey why are you so happy" I asked her with my eyebrow raised." Dean just asked me on a date how awesome is that" she replied. I shook my head and said " Gosh girl you had a crush on him since primary school (sorry I'm English don't know how you say it) and now you going on a date with him well done sweetie". "I know right can't wait but right now we need start making our way to class or we gonna be late again"she said with a serious face. I sighed and said "come on then". We arrived at class just as the bell went, but the teacher weren't there which is strange she's normally here. But I shrugged it off and walked to my seat next to some random dude I don't talk to. A minute later the head teacher walked in with a man that looked as if he was in his 30s he was really hot though. He started to say " Hello class this is your new teacher Mr Jackson I hope you treat him with respect and make him feel welcome" and them he just left. Mr Jackson spoke up " Hello class I'm glad to be here and hope we can be friends" his smile was gorgeous I bit my lip as I was checking him out. Suddenly the worlds biggest jerk Nathan said " Yeah that's never going to happen no one likes you here so you probably be best to leave" as he laughed with his friend I saw on the corner of my eye Mr Jackson got upset. Suddenly I felt myself build up the courage and say " Oi leave him alone he's welcome to stay as long as he wants so shut up before I do it for you" Nathan bowed his head down in embarrassment and Mr Jackson smiled at me. I felt this weird stuff in my stomach what was this I never felt it before but it happens every time I look at him. What is this man doing to me?
I really need to know what you think about it or else I can't write anymore that's why I haven't done in a long time.
Stay Awesome;)

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