I nodded. "Yeah well I have to go and meet some people, so I must allons-y!" He laughed, and I turned on my heel and walked down the corridor texting Bruce and informing him I was on my way.

~later(again lol)~
I left the lab with 15 minutes to spare, and headed to the dorms to change. My jeans were greasy, and I'd been doodling on them with gold pen, ruining another pair.

Upon reaching the dorm and finding Steve wasn't there, I immediately changed. I was wearing another pair of clean jeans, and a t-shirt I had folded and left in my drawer. I pulled a more fitting hoodie on top, and combed my hair, so it was pushed back a bit more.

I headed downstairs and out, rushing so Steve wouldn't be waiting for too long in the foggy cold air.

He wasn't there.

I pulled my hoodie round me tighter, feeling the bitter cold nipping at me. I was tempted to text him, but decided against it to not rush him. Pulling out my phone I texted Bruce instead.

Tony: hey Bruce, Steve hasn't showed up yet, u seen him?

Bruce: uhh

I was confused at his reply, but I looked up and across the campus, near the car park entrance from the inside, I saw Steve and a group of others walking away from me. I pocketed my phone and ran as fast as I could after them, stumbling over the rocky ground. "Steve!" One of them turned and nudged Steve, whispering to him. Now that I had caught up with the group, I felt self conscious, they were all looking at me weirdly.

"Uh, hey Tony."

I looked him up and down. So much for smart casual. He was wearing worn down everything, as if he was going somewhere where it would be messy.

"What you doing?" I bit my lip, and wrung my hands behind my back.

"Going out with these guys, we're uh, going paintballing."

"Oh. What about our plans?"

He looked a bit sheepish. "Uh, these guys texted after you left, inviting me to celebrate getting onto the team and as they're my new teammates I thought I'd join them..." His voice trailed off as he saw my face.

I bit my lip with force, and felt the metallic taste of blood trickle into my mouth.

"That's fine, you know what I'll go find someone else who's better than you to go with."

He turned around, motioning to I think James, to walk onwards. "Tony, these guys will be my new teammates and I need to get to know them. We can go get pizza anytime."

"Yeah well, good luck on that. You canceled plans and didn't even have the actual decency to text me first! You're just pathetic you know that Steve. You know what go be with your real friends."

Steve looked shocked. Then his face almost contorted into something I'd never seen on him before. Anger. "Tony let it drop jeez! It's just once stupid dinner, I said we can get it anytime. It's not like you actually thought I wanted to spend dinner with you? I just wanted some plans."

It was my turn to be shocked. "Right okay. I see how it is. Go and be with your football friends, it's not like I actually wanted to be friends with an idiot like you!"

"Oh piss off Tony." James' voice rung out clear in the air. "We need to go, leave Steve alone."

"Can't even fight your own fight Steve, wow how mighty and strong of you. You're just weak, so on you go, it's not like I fucking care anyway."

"What he said. Piss off. Go back to your books. And leave me alone."

James grabbed his arm, tugging him backwards, to join up with a few others who waited, there faces tugging back snickering smiles, looking at each other kinda nervously, and then acting like the didn't hear anything when Steve and James marched over.

As I watched them walk away, the sky opened and the heavy clouds tipped rain over me. It crashed down soaking my hair and clothes, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach when I heard the happy laughter and shouts of run from those in the car park.

I stood in the rain, it trickling down my face, water mixing with blood on my lip, and tears rolling down my face mixed with rain. I stood there letting it drip. Feeling pain rush through me, my lip wobbled.


Hiya again y'all! This chapter has swearing in... oopsie I couldn't resist. Honestly it took me ages and I can't do arguments when there's nothing to argue about. I'm just glad I've had the motivation to finish another chapter. So yeah I hope you liked it, maybe vote and comment?
Have an excellent day everyone. It's a fantastic day. And sorry about Steve being a prick. Oh well I'm not actually sorry. Lol. Thanks for everything!
Ali x

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