May i lead the sermon?

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The loud ring of the old and rusty bronze bell sounding through the church let Autumn know that it was time for service to begin. Today was very exciting for autumn, this morning wasn't just any ordinary church service, she had the opportunity to lead this morning's sermon. It has always been a dream of her's since a young child, but her father has always said a child, let alone a woman, had no place behind a pool pit.

Autumn sucked in her breath and licked her lips, for some reason she felt that they were overly dry today. Her hands were sweaty and she was stuck in a state of nervousness with a hint of shock. She was shocked because she was actually doing this; Her father, the most strict man ever, in her eyes was allowing her to express herself, even if it was just through Christ.

A few moments later her father walked onto the center stage, He was tall with long brown hair, he wore a black suit neatly placed handkerchief and a tie that had small symbols on them, Autumn has known that tie to be one of his favorites. He wears it every Sunday, some has said he's had it since he was very young, but as the years carried on he would just add more thread to make sure it has the correct length for his size. He picks up the microphone and stares directly at autumn before beginning to speak;

" Everyone here knows my daughter, Autumn, growing up she has always wanted to be like her old man, she has been raised up in a way that she has lots of knowledge of the word and she would like to express herself by bringing the sermon today-"

As he was finishing his speech his eyes left Autumn's and fell on a strange man and his children who suddenly walked through the door. Autumn had never seen her dad look with such an expression. Was it hate? Was this man a childhood friend of her father's? That's something Autumn planned to find out.

Finally, her father placed his eyes back on autumn and finished up his speech;

"So, I will like you all to welcome her on stage and listen to what she has to say. Amen."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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