Part 4

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I am not able to sleep currently so I will make a chapter today! Also, you are now back to your 20-year-old self.

Boss: Y/N! Get out of this building before I call the cops!

You: Yes ma'am!

You: Dammit! Why did I lose the one job that kept me alive! It was not my fault! If Mrs. Bitch didn't walk into me then I would not be in this mess and she would have filed a sexual harassment report! Well, fuck!

You were walking out of the mighty (Company store) and you only had $50 in your pocket. You decided to buy a 50 cent newspaper to look for jobs. Now you are just watching your T.V. and looking through the Monday paper.

You: Carpenter? No, because last time I applied I stapled my shirt into one of the walls. Barber? No, because I cut myself last time practicing. Lawyer? No, too many loans. Doctor? No, the same thing as a lawyer. Car salesmen? No, I can't even convince myself to buy food for next day dinner. Bartender for a strip club? Maybe, never applied there before. Might look into it.

After some research, you found out that it paid more than your old shitty job and it did not need much. The description on the site of 'Gentle-Men's Club' read, 'Need Bartenders! Are you over 18 and need a job? Come down and find out if you are worthy of working here! If you are accepted you will have your own uniform from us all paid for! If you need to know how to mix the drinks then look in the handbook you are provided! You will also get a separate handbook explaining all of the rules and expectations of the club! If you are accepted and want to start right away then we will get you started! We are located on (Insert Address)! We hope you have fun working here!' After that, you did more research and found out that the owner of the club is a Katrina Veridity.

You: Why does that name sound familiar? Meh! A job is a job and I always wondered what it is like to work as a bartender at a strip club! *Looks at schedule* Looks like they don't open till 8 pm and it is only 3 pm so I should go over there to apply. *Looks at location* Also, it is 5 minutes away from here! Sweet!

5 minutes later

You: So this is it! The club! Might not go back!

After saying that, you walked into the club only to see a regular club. Poles, tables, booths, a bar, a DJ booth, a backroom for dancers, a room for special treatments, and a verification room at the entrance.

???: Hello, are you applying for the Bartending?

You: Yes I am! May I ask what is your name?

???: Katrina Veridity! But you can call me Kat with a K! And what is yours?

You: F/N L/N but you can refer to me as Y/N!

Kat: Nice to meet you Y/N! Though you sound familiar! Do I know you?

You: I have no idea.

Kat: Well, let's do the interview!

1 hour later

In an hour, you got the job and was going to start today at 7:30 pm till 5 am with a pay of $25 per hour. So in one day, you earn $262.50 and in a week you earn $1837.50.

You: Well, got to get ready! I hope the uniform is not cheesy!

And with that, your new job starts!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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