Chapter 2

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       I started crying, i am going into a new family and leave my own family. Will his family accept me, will he always be good to me, will he cherish me like a princess or will he totally change after the wedding.
     All these thought keep coming to me and I am afraid  I don't want to get married anymore but It is late because I am now a married woman.

       Afnan announce that the groom are here. I wash my face and apply some kohl, powder and lipstick. I pick my blue veil and Afnan and Rukayya escort me downstairs. My aunts and cousin tease me as we pass.

      I saw him in his white babban riga sitting on the couch and his friend Faisal is sitting next to him. He was smiling and he look breath taking. He seem to be the happiest man today.

     We reach there and we all sit opposite them,He was smiling. I always like his smile because it reveals his white set of teeth, and his dimple, he always look handsome but today he look extremely handsome I think I am lucky to have him as my husband.

       " Toh can we see our Amarya now" Faisal said teasing " no I don't think she is that cheap"  Afnan said. They continue to argue about anything and nothing. Rukayya notice that i am uncomfortable and she spoke for the first time " hey you are always fighting for no reason, lets give the couple some space" shape said and drag them out.

          He stood up from his position and move closer to me " we are officially married now , congratulations wifey" he said in a low voice but I heard him I smiled and replied " thank you ".

        They left after taking some photos with Faisal, Afnan, Rukayya. We went back upstairs to my room and Rukayya  went to the kitchen to get food for us.

      We are all very hungry and we ate the food in silent. Masa and miyan taushe is the best, the aroma kadai will make one go crazy.

      I went to the bed to sleep when I saw Ali's message

       " See u at the dinner wifey"
      I didn't reply to the message and went to sleep

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