Chapter 6 - First Day Together in the Mansion p3

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Capricorn and Virgo were in the kitchen. There were black marble countertops and lights underneath the cupboards, it was a very modern kitchen with a refrigerator that had a tablet on it, but neither of them knew how to use it so they just got cans instead. Some people had asked for hot chocolates so they were both waiting for the kettle to boil.
"So how long have you known Taurus and Scorpio?" Virgo asked Capricorn, who was leaning on the counter, but slipped nervously when she spoke.
"Umm, well I've known Scorpio for a few years, longer than I've known you, and I met Taurus today, he seems pretty cool, I could tell we were going to be friends."
"Cool." She said, spooning the hot chocolate powder into the cups and looking back at him smiling. Capricorn saw this as an opportunity to have some fun with her, so he said, "Besides, Scorpio is a wayy better friend than you," sarcastically. Virgo turned around and threw a spoonful of the powder at his face, laughing, Capricorn then proceeded to scream before reaching out and throwing the spoonful back in her face before she could throw it. She squealed and backed into the counter she had been leaning on a few moments before and continued laughing. Capricorn loved to see her smile, he stopped laughing and admired her again, she looked up confused, wondering why he was staring at her.
"Huh?! What?! Nothing?!? I wasn't doing anything shut up!"
"Hah- okayyy Mr Grumpuss," she teased before ruffling his hair and turning back to make the hot chocolates.
"Cap you need to mellow me," she said.
"Huh? Mellow you?" He asked, confused.
"You know, hit me,"
"H- hit you? Why would I hit you what do you mean?"
"Ughhh, toss me the marshmallows pleaseeee," she said, Capricorn threw the bag and she had turned back around again, but she still somehow caught it.
"Wow." He whispered quietly to himself.
"Huh? Did you say something?"
"What? Me? Nope! You must be hearing things, V."
"Ew, don't call me V I hate that nickname," she said turning back around with six hot chocolates in her hands.
"Okay, V"
"Alright, alright, sorry.... V"
Virgo had already began walking off to the living room, but she turned back and scowled at him before disappearing round the corner. Capricorn then hurriedly grabbed the six cans of cherry coke and fanta and rushed along to follow behind her.
"What? NO! Batman is WAY better than Superman!" argued Libra,
"Are you kidding me? Superman has awesome powers and shit! What can Batman do? NOTHING!" replied Sagittarius, everyone was sat cozily in the living room as Virgo and Capricorn came in.
"Alright, people, who was on hot chocolate?" Said Virgo as she stood there awkwardly with six hot chocolates in her hand. A symphony of "me"'s sounded from the group and she handed out each one to the five people who had asked for one. Then Capricorn went round the group giving them each of their selected cans.
"Okay guys," Aries began, " the rules of this game are simple, one person will spin a bottle in the middle of the room," at that Taurus pulled out an old coke bottle he had brought in from his bag, "and the person who the bottle lands on has to go into a closet with the person sho spun the bottle and do ~seven minutes in heavennn~."
"Aries is this just an excuse for you to kiss the hot girls?" Sagittarius asked, clearly on guard in case he took her chance of getting with Libra.
"Pshhhhh, nooo," Aries said slyly, glancing at Libra who was still laughing at Sagittarius. 'Dammit.' He thought to himself.
"Well then let's get started, I wanna see who the lucky lady isss," said Leo confidently. There was a round of laughter, but it didn't seem like Leo was joking. He grabbed the glass bottle which Taurus had placed in the middle of the circle they had all made and spun it hard. It whizzed round on the wooden table before eventually slowing, and landing on Gemini. Another round of laughter rose in the room, and Gemini jokingly winked at Leo, who had curled up trying to pretend he wasn't there.
"Come on guys, let's take these two lovebirds to the closet," giggled Aquarius. The group dragged both of the boys to the pantry and shut them in there. They dimmed the lights in the pantry and Virgo said through the door, " Remember, guys, you can do whatever you want to each other in there," and caused the whole group to erupt in laughter.
Seven minutes had finally passed and, to noone's surprise the boys had done nothing but sit there in the dark room the whole time. They all walked back over to the living room and sat back down. Leo did not look pleased with what had just happened. Aries was about to reach for the bottle when Sagittarius quickly snatched it and said it was her turn. He glared at her as she spun it, taking away his chance. It spun fast, it was a blur until it finally slowed and ended up landing on, you guessed it, Libra. But that was just Aries' luck.
The whole group started making the "oOooOooO" noises before sending the two into the pantry together, turning off the lights mostly and leaving them there.
"Ummm... soo," Libra said quietly.
"Look, Libra if you don't want to do this then it's completely fine, I understand."
"Ok," said Libra quietly. All of a sudden she felt a warm hand touch hers, rubbing it slightly, before moving up her arm and to her cheek. Sagittarius pulled Libras hair behind her ear and leaned closer to her. She pushed her up against the wall and leaned in even closer, her lips touched Libra's softly, but she pulled away before Sagittarius could go any further.
"I- I didn't know you felt that way," she said. They then looked each other in the eyes for a few moments, then suddenly Libra crashed into Sagittarius, her mouth clashing with hers, the kiss was passionate, a kiss of new feelings being discovered, she pushed Libra up against the wall, one hand running through her soft hair, the other pinning her hand to the cold stone, before being flipped around, Libra thrust Sagittarius up against the wall, still kissing her soft lips, this was bliss.
Outside, the group had some idea what was going on they could hear it all happening, but Virgo's hot chocolate had gone cold, so she placed it in the microwave to heat it up. As she typed in the 30 seconds her finger slipped as she laughed at one of Gemini's jokes. The microwave set off and she turned around, looking at Aries who didn't look too happy. He was stood in the corner of the kitchen. She walked over to him, blanket still draped around her shoulders.
"Aries, is everything alright?" She asked him, she didn't like when others were sad when she hadn't caused them to be.
"What? No, I'm fine."
"Okay, you sure?" she asked.
"Yeah, just a little cold, that's all."
"Well I can give you my hot chocolate, I'm heating it up right now," she said.
"Okay. Thanks, Virgo." He said, surprised that people were being nice to him for once, everyone always thought of him as an angry, moody ram. She then walked away, the timer went off and she opened the microwave door. "That was a long thirty seconds," she thought to herself as she grabbed the mug from the warm microwave. All of a sudden a seering pain went through her hand, she could hear her skin sizzle as she threw the cup into the air out of shock, it landed on her leg and seered her skin there too. Everyone had looked around when she threw it into the air. She began to scream as the mug hit the ground, smashing and causing shards of pot to splash up and stick into her legs. All the Zodiacs rushed towards her, pulling her out of the way as Cancer and Pisces cleaned up the mess. Aries grabbed her hand and examined it. "Holy shit, Virgo. What have you done?"
Capricorn was already pulling out the pieces of pot from her legs which were shaking from the sheer agony. Taurus had gotten a wet towel and began to dab the areas the hot chocolate had hit.
"Jesus Christ Virgo, you really did a number on yourself, huh?" Said Aquarius, who was rushing to grab the cling film from one of the drawers. Gemini was scrambling on his phone, trying to find the nearest hospital and what to do with a burn.
Aries was still trying to cool down her now badly burnt hand with a wet towel, and Scorpio held her up as she wept from the pain. He was telling her everything was going to be okay and that they were going to get her to a hospital as soon as possible. She could see why Capricorn liked him, he was a nice guy once you got to know him.
Aquarius rushed back over to Virgo with the cling film in her hand, her and Gemini carefully wrapped the wounds and made sure they were all covered to stop infection. Leo was busy pulling the shards of pot out of Virgo's other leg.
"You're gonna owe me so much sex after this, Virgo" he said, she couldn't hear him through the pain, but Capricorn just glared at him. "Okay let's get to the car, they said they left us two range rovers and their keys in the garage, let's go," said Gemini, running through the kitchen and dining room to the hall, where there were steps underneath the staircase that led to the rooms, they went down into the garage, Capricorn and Aries helping Virgo down and sitting next to her in the car. Gemini and Aquarius were in the front seat, Gemini driving. The other car had seven seats, but Libra and Sagittarius were still in the pantry making out, so all the others but those two piled into the car and waited for Gemini to set off to lead them to the nearest hospital.
He stuck the keys into the hole and started the ignition, revving the engine before driving off. He followed the sat nav, which said the hospital was five minutes away if he drove quickly, which was what he was going to do. Virgo sat in the middle seat at the back, Capricorn had given her his biggest hoodie to keep her covered because all she had on were pyjama shorts and a short top on. She was still crying from the agonising pain, but somehow seemed to be handling it pretty well, the mug had seered through her skin on her hand and the drink had literally burnt holes in her legs, along with the holes left still bleeding from the shards of mug.
Gemini pulled quickly into the hospital parking lot, jumping out of the car and running over to the hospital, he reached the front desk and explained what had happened to Virgo to one of the nurses, Capricorn and Aries had hurried in not long behind holding up Virgo as she tried to walk through. They sent her straight through to an emergency doctor and got her on a bed immediately, and Capricorn, Aries and all the others were by either sides of the bed as they wheeled her through, she had on a gas mask to numb the pain and send her to sleep. Her vision went blurry and she fell unconscious while the others were still following by her sides. The doctors insisted that they all leave and go to the waiting room as they wheeled her though the doors.

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