2. The Night of the Comet

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My heart was racing and I could barely breathe. For the first time in decades, I had a vision that truly scared me. Sweat was dripping down my face as I replayed the terrible nightmare. I saw Vicki Donovan being killed. If my premonition came true, which it would, Matt would be devastated. I had to protect Vicki and keep her away from the supernatural.

I couldn't sleep at all after the deadly vision I had, so I decided to work out and maybe feed for a while. As I was jogging, I found Damon laying in the middle of the road. "Red!" He called me.

I glared at him and rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked coldly.

Damon smirked and grabbed me by my waist. "A little slice of you." He kissed me passionately and I pinned him against a tree.

"Honestly, I can't deal with you right now." I bit his lip slightly and walked away, feeling like the baddest bitch of them all.

As I kept going, I saw Jeremy Gilbert sneaking out of his house. There was only one place he could be going... The hospital to visit Vicki Donovan. Perhaps, I should stop by and visit her after school. I mean, she is not exactly a stranger. Plus, I need to know what she knows because if she knows what I think she does, the Council will kill us all.


An hour later, I was checking myself in the mirror inside my locker before going to class. When I closed my locker, I overheard Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennett talking about the Bennett witch lineage. So that's where I've heard the Bennett name before... They're witches!

"Hey girls!" I smiled at them and Caroline immediately linked her arm to mine.

The blonde smiled and Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Sooo..." She started. "Tell us about that steamy kiss with Matt." Caroline winked at me and I could feel my cheeks burning.

I shook my head and glanced at the girls. "There's nothing to tell. I only kissed him to get Elena's attention." Matt waved at me from a distance and walked outside with Elena. "He's like a love sick puppy always following Elena." I rolled my eyes.

Bonnie noticed that I was upset and quickly changed the subject. "Grams told me that I'm part of a long line of witches."

"It's not surprising!" I stated. "The Salem Witch Trials are laughable now but back then people truly believed in witchcraft." I flipped my red hair. "Honestly, I've met people with unexplainable powers."

Caroline wiggled her eyebrows and smirked. "So are you like Sabrina, the Teenage Witch?"

The three of us laughed and walked inside Mr. Tanner's class. I hated the guy with all my soul and if I could, I would personally kill him but I just scolded Damon for attracting attention to vampires. For now, Tanner lives.

Tanner was kinda less of a jerk today, since he spent the entire time babbling about the comet that will be visible in Mystic Falls. I always become powerless whenever an event like this arrives. Funny thing, the magic I have is not actually mine so maybe this is Nature's way of punishing me for killing my brother. Either way, everyone is excited about the comet and the girls even invited me to participate with them. It was somewhat a good day.

After class, I walked outside and saw Stefan sitting all alone on a table watching Matt and Elena talking. I stood in front of him and snapped my fingers in front of his face. "I know what you are!"

He looked at me with a weird look on his face. "What are you talking about, Amelia?"

I sat across from him and sighed. "You're a vampire, Stefan." His jaw almost dropped while he stared into my brown eyes. "It takes one to know one. Look, I know who's behind the 'animal' attacks."

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