Jungkook didn't say anything, he knew you were still upset so he just left to go and get your daughter. You wouldn't have acted that way if it was the first time he did that but it was not the first time. He was almost never home and when he was he was usually so exhausted so he was most of the time sleeping. He always forgets important things like last week were you two's 4 year anniversary and he had promised to be home and that you two would have a nice dinner but he forgot and made you wait at the restaurant for 2 hours. And today he had forgotten about your daughter's first day of school.

After some time you heard the front door open. Jungkook came into the kitchen with Y/D/N in his arms. He put her down and she ran up to you hugging you as she talked about her day.

- That's amazing sweetie! I'm glad you made a friend. You said then looking at Jungkook who was standing in the doorframe looking at his little family.

- Are you hungry? The dinner is soon ready. You said standing up.

As you were continuing to make dinner Jungkook got a phone call and he walked into his office. You guessed it had something to do with work. Once you were done with dinner Jungkook was still on his phone so you knocked on his door to his office.

- Dinner is ready. You said quietly as you opened the door.

- I will be out in a sec. He said.

You left the room and then you and Y/D/N began eating. But Jungkook didn't come out until you had finished.

- The food is cold. You said coldly as you put yours and Y/D/N plates in the dishwasher.

- Sorry, it was work. He explained.

- I'm going to put Y/D/N to sleep. You walked past Jungkook and upstairs to her room.

After you had put Y/D/N to sleep you walked downstairs to Jungkook. He sat on the couch and you sat on the other end, away from him. Jungkook got surprised by your actions as you usually sat down next to him so he could cuddle you.

- Are you still mad? He asked looking at you.

- Yes Jungkook, I'm still mad. You said, irritatingly.

- I already said I'm sorry! I can't help that my work is what it is. He said.

- But it not only about today Jungkook, but it's also always something that comes up when we plan something, I'm tired of it. I said and sighed.

- We have a family, a daughter for god's sake. She needs her father in her life, you have no idea how sad she was when you couldn't come and see her on her first day of school. You continued.

- I'm sorry. He said, looking down to the ground.

- It's not me you should apologize to, it's your daughter. You said as you stood up walking out of the living room leaving him there alone.

Jungkook's pov:

I stood there staring at Y/N as she walked out of the living room. It took everything in my power not to run up to her and hug her tightly. I have known her long enough to know that when she is mad she needs space. As I was lost in thoughts I felt something small hug my leg. I looked down and saw Y/D/N standing there, she had a sad expression on her face.

- Hi, pumpkin aren't you supposed to be asleep now? I asked as I lifted her up in my arms.

- What were you and eomma fighting about? She asked, pouting as she was looking at me.

- Oh, it's nothing serious just a little misunderstanding. I lied, I didn't want her to worry.

- Okay, you still love each other right appa? She then asked.

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