Amy Periwinkle

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Jess Porter, they call me. I'm the one who goes through all the letters everyone sends. May it be hand written or typed out, buisness or personal, It all goes through me for inspection.

Call it unethical, but a part of my job is to read through as much as I can before I send them to the address. I don't know why either, it's just how it is.

But with the thousands and thousands of letters I read everyday, none of them stood out like this one.
Sender: Crimson Jade
Reciever: Amy Periwinkle
Despite being sent to the same person, the address seem to change for every letter.

The first I got was titled "#16" sent on September 12, 2018.
It reads as is:

Hey Aims, just got a new set of strings for my cello, I recorded something for you. I got someone to put on a CD, I'll be sending it to you next week. I hope you like it.


CDs? People still use those? Anyway, I never got the said CD. I guess he used a different courier? Nevertheless, he sent another one two weeks later.

This one was titled "#45" sent on October 15, 2018
It reads as is:

I know you're out of town right now, but I'll send you one anyway.
I just got home from band practice, everyone was asking when you were coming home. I simply told them that the doctors won't allow you to leave until you're in tip top condition. They told me to send you these pictures. We took them by the fountain, where we last took a picture. Hope you see it when you wake up.


Doctors? Is she okay? It doesn't add up properly though. She's out of town, I thought the doctors said she couldn't leave? Is she asleep? When will she wake up?
Why hasn't Amy return anything?

He went silent for a few weeks, months even. Until finally, the last letter I'll ever recieve from him arrived.

Titled "#102" sent on December 11, 2018
It reads as is:

Your mother just called. She thanked me for all the letters and pictures and stuff. She was crying over the phone when I answered it, is she okay?
Are you okay?
Please, I still can't go there right now. Hold on for just a bit longer, okay? I'll come to you. Just don't leave me.
You're strong, you should stay that way too.
Hold on tight, Amy. I'm sorry. Just a little further.


It's November 19, 2019. I have yet to recieve another from Jade.

Childish, isn't it? I await a letter that doesn't belong to me. I got caught up in the story of other people.

Godspeed, to them who still write with their hearts.

Stories from an Empty Roomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें