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The piece has reached its climax, with every note the piano plays, the violin followed, and everyone was in awe.

He's been trying to contact her for hours now, still no answer. Though aggravated, he tried calling one last time before going to bed.

She answered. He calmed down.

"Hey.." he chuckled "'s been a while, how's it been?"
"It's been going okay I guess, just got back from practice." she replied.

No one spoke for a few seconds. The ticking of the clock got louder and louder, the fluorescent lights start buzzing, frogs start to sing chaotically.

"Is that it?" he asked.
"Nothing, nothing."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
She sighed. "Yes, yes I am."

He stood outside for a minute, a minute that felt like years.
He put his phone down and ended the call.

"If you truly can wish upon a star, I wish for another chance." he whispered sorrowfully.

He played the piano, she played the violin. They were once inseparable.

Though as the piano starts slowing down, the violin slowly descends. With every stroke of the bow slowly letting go, the song is coming to an end.

A week has passed and he never got a text or call back from her. Worried, he decides to visit her.

"What should I say? Should I be angry? Why am I even doing this?" he kept repeating to himself.
He paced around the room restlessly, rehearsing every word he wanted to say to her. Even when his hands are shaking, he wrote down notes only to throw them away.
"Does she even want to see me? Does she even want ME?"
He kept on going for a minute more until he finally decides to go.

He went out, got in his car and drove off.

Still anxious, he rehearsed his lines again and again.
"'Hey.. Uh,' no.. that'd be awkward..." "'Hey! How's it going?' no.. too much energy..." "'Hey, it's been a while' ugh.. too clichè..."
Not even noticing the time and the red light, he zoomed across the crossroad. Luckily, no authority figure saw him, nor was anyone harmed.

He arrived at her campus nearly half an hour late, according to his plan. Nevertheless, he sucked it up and went inside. The guard stopped him.

"Sir, may I see your I.D.?" asked security.
"Uhh, I don't go here. I'm here to visit someon-"
"We don't cater visitors. You'll have to wait outside.'
"No, it'll be quic-"
"Sir, please wait outside."
He kept trying to force himself in but the security just won't budge.
"I'll have to call the police if you don't stop." said security.
Now panicking, he tried to think of another way in. Then, she passed by.
"Sir, please let me in, there's the person I'm going to visit right there!" he exclaimed.
He pointed at her.
She noticed him, but she also ignored his presence.
"Where?" asked the security.
"I'll just wait outside.." he sighed ".. sorry for the inconvenience."

As the piece ends, the instruments both stopped playing abruptly.
The string, finally rested.
The keys however kept playing. The keys started to play roughly, every note filled with irritation, confusion, and sorrow.
Until he finally opened his eyes and see that it is the end.
He descends back slowly. He's ready to end the piece.

"Hey.." he called out.
He waited 4 hours until she finally finished her classes. With his heartbeat raising, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
"Hey, what's u-"
"I don't want us to be us anymore." he exhaled.
"W-what? Why?" she frantically asked.
"You've changed, a lot."
"How? How have I changed?" slowly being more aggressive.
"You don't talk to me as much"
"Are you that needy? I have uni, I need to study."
"And yet you still have time to practice violin?"
"That is my-"
"Then what am I? That I'm worth less than your violin?"
"It's not like tha-"

He slammed he's car door.

"I don't feel your love anymore."

No one talked.
No one.

The piece ended. The string player bowed elegantly before exiting the stage.

"Au revoir, mademoiselle.." whispered the pianist.

Stories from an Empty Roomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن