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"Everything must be done with elegance!" she shouted at her group mates "Everything! From the costumes to the choreography, everything must look and feel majestic! And I, Solis Athena Moreno, will lead you towards that path!"

Athena's a sixteen year old Filipina, highschool student who moved to Florida back when she was five. Even then she was always the optimistic-overachiever type. Nothing in this world could bring her down.

"You, with the paint brush..." she yelled.
"M-me? What did I do?" the boy frantically asked.
"Nothing! Which is why you will work along side with me, Athena!" She often is spontaneous and fast. Nevertheless, her instincts were always right and she gets the job done in time.
"Oh, and you too! With the red glasses!" she called out.
"Again? Really?" she replied.
"Oh yes, again! You will help me choreograph the dance! It shall be extravagant!" she confidently shouted.
"Fine... only if you help me with my homework."
"It's a deal!"

They soon began working, everyone was busy with their own thing, and Athena helping out with whatever she can help with. May it be the costumes, the props, or the choreography, she's up for the task.

"Psst..." called one of her classmates "...is this really necessary? I mean, it's just a classroom play..."
"Just a classroom play?!" she yelled.

Everyone looked at her, some were enthralled and some were annoyed. Whatever it was, she got their attention.

"I mean... don't you think it's too over the top?"
"Better 'over the top' than 'under the bottom'!" she exclaimed.
"Point is, this isn't just any classroom play. This is about us, getting along and working together towards the same goal!"
"No buts! Just work!"

And just like that, everyone started working again.

"Thena.." she heard "..you're doing it again~"
"Why are you here again?" she asked in her head.
"O, I was never gone. You were just too busy with all that optimism of yours..."
"I'm fine without you..."
"Are you? You sound like you're full of yourself again..."
"I need to impress them..."
"You always do... because you will never be enough."
"Shut up..." she whispered.
The boy with the paint brush heard her.
"You'll never surpass your sister, Thena..."
"Stop talking..." she exclaimed louder.
The boy moved away.
"You're worthless..."
"STOP!" she shouted.

"Thena..." the voice called "...everyone's looking at you, and not in the way you want them to~"

The voice left.

Athena, now in tears, ran out of the classroom as fast as she could. She ran out to the playground, and up the fence. She ran towards the forest until she ran out of breath.

There was peace.

She looked up and asked "Why!?"
"Why do I feel this way!? Why do you keep coming back?!" she shouted.
"Why do you have to torture me?! Why not anyone else!?"

She fell down to her knees, clutching her fist she punches the ground. Leaves all around her started flying, her tears made the soil moist.

Finally, she got tired.

"It's not just me.." she sobbed "..everyone feels this, right? It can't be just me. If it's just me, then the world would be unfair."
"It is~" said the voice.
"But that's okay.." she told her self "..imperfections and inequalities are the driving force of humans. Either to strive to be the best, or to help others get a foothold. It's okay."
"You and your optimism-"
"I don't need you right now, go away."
"If only it were that easy..."
"If only..."

She stood back up, she brushed off all the dirt and started walking back.

A few minutes passed, she finally made it back in front of her room. She stood there for a few seconds.

"They won't accept you anymore~" it said.
"So be it."

She went back inside with confidence and the doors swinging wide open.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked.

With her hair still a big mess and her eyes filled with sorrow, she boldly grabbed a pair of scissors and cardboard.

"Work..." she replied.

Stories from an Empty Roomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें