Falling In Love at a Coffee Shop

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It felt like another average day. I woke up on time, got ready on time, even walked into the coffee shop I always go to a little earlier than usual.

"Same as always, ma'am?" I smile at Wendell. He always takes the morning shift.

"Yes, thank you." I place down a ten dollar bill on the counter. "And please, Call me Rebecca."

Someone behind him places my large spiced Chai on the counter.

"Ok." He grins while he rings it up. "Would you like your burrito to go?"

I think for a second.

"No. I'll have it here today. I have a few minutes to spare this morning."

He presses a couple more buttons on the computer while someone quickly places a plate with my veggie burrito and salsa on it.

"$8.46, Rebecca." He says my name with a more childish and humorous tone. I let a playful grin and slight giggle come out of my mouth.

I hand him the bill and he quickly hands me the change, which I immediately place in the tip jar.

"Have a good day, Wendell!" We make eye contact one last time before I walk over to a table in the corner.

Wendell and I have known each other since I moved into my apartment six or so years ago. He is more like a son to me than anything.

I start to indulge in eating my breakfast and look through my phone. I never really have time to just sit and relax. I have a few minutes before I have to leave. Fifteen at most.

"Hello, ma'am. Would you like the same as always?" I catch Wendell greet what I assume is also a regular.

"Yes please, Wendell." I hear a beautiful, raspy female voice respond to his question.

I look up from my phone and towards the counter.

I see an appropriately dressed woman with short layered hair facing away from me. She looks like she works at the state government offices.

"Here is your black coffee and scone, ma'am."

The polite woman places a small bill on the counter. I notice how it won't be enough.

"That is $7.98." Wendell looks at the bill hesitantly. The woman realizes her mistake and opens her purse again.

"I have seemed to have forgotten to grab some extra cash..." she closes her wallet and has an embarrassed posture.

That's when I stand up and head over towards her.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you today, Wend..."

I carefully place down three one dollar bills on the counter. Wendell looks up, slightly surprised to see me. I feel the woman staring into the side of my head in surprise, but I resist the urge to look at her.

"Is that enough?" I know it's enough, but this tension is getting a little thick.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I don't need..." a couple voices interrupt the nicely dressed woman.

"There are people waiting, are you going to pay or not?" Both myself and the woman look back at a shorter, scruffy looking man with a grumpy look on his face.

"Two cents is your change.." the dark haired woman looks back at Wendell before me.

I turn around in time to catch her place the two cents in the tip jar. The two coins clinking with the others. Then I look over at the woman's face.

Falling In Love at a Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now