A new home

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When Marx woke up, he was confused.

The first thing he noticed was the fact that he wasn't in the mud on the forest, but rather in a very comfy bed in a warm bedroom.

Then he noticed he wasn't dead. Also, all his wounds were very well treated.

Afterward his first shook he proceed to see his surroundings. He was at the bottom of a bunk bed, at his left side was a wall with a small window from where you could see a garden, and at his left side was a small nightstand with a bowl of soup on top and besides that, another bunk bed. He tried to grab a bit but at the moment he tried to stand up everything hurt. He groaned in pain, as the entire ache he was numb to suddenly seem to come to get him.

Despite his groans, he could still hear how small steps were taken, getting closer and closer to where he was until at last, the door opened.

-Are you okay? - A female voice asked in a worried voice –I heard groans, are you in pain? I could bring you some mega tomatoes, they won't cure you yet but they will minimize the pain-

Marx gave a quick look at the girl; she was kind of like a puffball but with cat hears and her arms were purple, a different color from the rest of her lilac body. Her eyes were a pretty pink and she was wearing a bow with a bell in the center. In another context, Marx would have thought that the girl was really cute.

Despite the hospitality of her hostess, Marx could only blurt a -who the fuck are you? Where the fuck am I?-

-okay, first of all, language- the girl said –but answering your question, I'm exemplum, but friends just call me plum, and you're in my rehabilitation center-

- What? How did I get here? - The purple jester was just (if not more) confused than before.

-I found you, Marx, in the middle of the forest. You were dying, so I brought you here and cured your injuries the best I could, but you are hurt very badly, so I think it would take you at least a month to get better-

He was silent for a moment, till he realized an important fact

-How do you know my name?-

-I know a lot of things Marx- she said, in a rather unsettling calm voice –I know what you did, as I also know why you did it, my butterflies told me-

-okay, you're crazy and a stalker, I'm out of here- he said this as he tried to get up, but just as before, the pain wouldn't let him stand up, so he once again hissed in pain.

- Rude - she said, slightly offended –also you can't move even if you want to, as I said before, your wounds are pretty bad and you could easily open them, so you're staying here until you're good enough to go whether you like it or not, so shut up, lay down and I'll feed you-

Marx was about to complain to her when a butterfly sneakily posed on top of him and in that very second Marx became unable to move.

-I'm sorry for using my butterflies on you, but you weren't cooperating with me, now open your mouth-

And so, the girl of an unknown species fed him until the plate was empty, just then he released him, and of course, the first thing he did was freak out.


-As you may now realize, my butterflies can do many things, one of them is controlling people or in this case, keep people still-

-YOU'RE- THAT'S NOT- WHY WOULD YOU- AGH! - And just as plum had warned before, one of his wounds opened and began to bleed.

- Hold still, I'll bring more bandages- she said, still keeping her calm nature.

- Why should I trust you?-

-Because if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it when I found you- and as she said this, the cat-like girl crossed the door, leaving the jester alone with his thoughts.

"She is crazy, but she has only treated me nicely... though she said she knew what I did. Does she know? Is it safe for me to stay here? I could use this chance to escape, but I have nowhere to go now and besides I can barely move without everything hurting and then again... she's nice, but is it safe to stay alone with her?"

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the door open again.

-So you're the new guy huh? - A mouse in a red wizard suit said –I'm Daroach, leader of the squeaks and currently the second in charge here, guess you're Marx?-

Marx now in the company of another more "normal" being calmed down a little -uh... yeah-

-you must be so confused right now, aren't ya? Nobody expects the kindness of plum, we all freak out at the beginning, especially with the whole butterflies thing- Daroach laugh a little –It's really unsettling, especially considering all the stuff we did in the past, hey, what did you do to end up in here?-

- What do you mean to end up in here?-

-y' know, the whole "rehabilitation center for redeemed villains"? –

-I'm in a what now?-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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