Prologue With Backstory

Start from the beginning

Y/n: No, not once.

Charlie: ..........Have you ever-

Y/n: Get to the point.

Charlie: -We're making a hotel to rehabilitate demons.

Y/n: ...You want to get people in Hell, who are in here because they are the worst of the worst...into heaven?

Charlie: ...Yes.

Y/n: ...*wheeze* Hehehehehe. Ah're serious?

Vaggie: We were kinda hoping you would become a patron.

Y/n: Look, girls, I don't think I'm exactly cutout for this.

Charlie: But that's what this is all about! To help demons redeem themselves.

Y/n: I'm sorry but, I can't do this.

Charlie looked down sadly.

Y/n: .......*sigh* Look, I'll become a patron.

Charlie looked up happily.

Vaggie: Wait, really?

Y/n: Yeah, just don't expect me to start being a perfect little angel all of a sudden.

Charlie hugged you.

Charlie: Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

She let go.

Y/n: Ok, I'll come back later to help you get this place *static* together, but I have to go see my dad first.

Vaggie: When are we gonna meet your dad anyway? You keep mentioning him but we've never seen him. I'm starting to think you don't even have a dad.

Y/n: I'll tell you soon, anyway bay-bay, later.

He began to leave.

Charlie: Oh! Keep your eyes out for any potential patrons!

Y/n: Eyes out? *points to eyes* My eyes came out years ago! See you lesbos later!

He left leaving Charlie to giggle at his joke.

The moment he got out, he got another text from a group chat.

Angel Dust: Hey babe~

Y/n: Uh...who is this?

Angel Dust: Oh don't play dumb babe.

Y/n: What do you want AD?

Cherri Bomb: Yo, Y/n! We going to a turf war later, wanna come?

Y/n: Maybe, my dad wants to see first.

Angel Dust: I'm right here baby~

Y/n: My dad, not my "daddy"

Angel Dust: So you're saying I'm your daddy?

Y/n: Ok I walked into that one.

Cherri Bomb: Well, if you do decide to come, well be at Hitler street.

Angel Dust: Oh he'll cum alright.

Y/n: BYE!

You facepalm.

Y/n: You have sex with a gay spider when your drunk ONE TIME!

Y/n looked at the clock on his phone.

Y/n: .....Dad first.

He "glitched" the world and appeared in a room.

Y/n: ...Dad?

No answer.

Y/n: Dad, are you here?

You heard a 1920's radio voice from behind.

The Son Of The Radio Demon(Hazbin Hotel Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now