Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm

Start from the beginning

From there, Whitley's facade ended along with his smile.

Whitley: Ehhh... Not really. 

Walking by the Tenno, Whitley explained as their backs were turned to another.

Whitley: While she's seen by folks like you and those in her inner circle as the heiress of our family's fortune, in reality, that's all about to change.

Confused and disgusted by what he predicts would be a negative explanation, the Tenno asked with one brow raised and his arms crossed.

Ryoma: How so?

Whitley: Well... how do I put it without sounding rude? Ah.

Ryoma: !!

Both his eyes went blood shot red as Whitley began to explain.

Whitley: After Beacon fell, she wasn't herself anymore...

He frantically turned himself towards Whitley as his vision began to gradually darken.

Ryoma: What the-?

Whitley: Then the charity dinner, oh jeez, that charity dinner... Party. I mean, "party".

Looking down at his arms, the Tenno felt a sense of fear and desperation as he found himself submerged in human blood.

Ryoma: I can't-!

Eh, hehehehe...

Whitley: Father... Father's had enough....

From the inside of his trenchcoat, the Tenno pulled out a Heat Dagger, walking towards the young boy with a sadistic smile as he turned himself around.

Whitley: ...that's why in time, I'll be the only one left to take over the fortune.

Seeing the Tenno, the young boy shooed him away.

Whitley: Now, begone. Do what you wish with Weiss for all I-.


Whitley: *Bleeeech!*

Upon hearing Weiss' name, the Tenno had acted, stabbing the young boy in the center of his throat with the dagger. His blood splattering onto the Tenno's clothes and his body going limp as the dagger itself began cauterizing the wound.

Whitley: Mr... Nagare...?

Ryoma: WHA-!?

Letting go of the dagger, he watched as the young boy began to fall to the ground.

Whitley: Mr. Nagare...

As his body hit the blood stained floor, the Tenno took a step back as the corpse sternly called out his name.

Whitley: Ryoma Nagare, are you even listening to me!?

Ryoma: Huh?

A sharp pain scrapped itself across the Tenno's head, causing him to look down and cover his face as he groaned.

Ryoma: Hnnngg....ggghhhhh.....aaaahhhhh.... dear lord.

Upon uncovering his face, he found that his vision had returned to normal, along with his gray eyes. And not only that, it was free of any blood. Whitley stood right in front of him, same as before. The murder of Whitley was nothing more than a mere work of fiction. Even then, this brought a huge amount of confusion to the Tenno.

Ryoma: Wha-? I-? But you-....

Whitley: I'll take it as a "no". You weren't listening.

Ryoma: I-.

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