«Chapter 12»

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After eating lunch, me and Chase walked around the pack grounds until the care taker came up to us.

"Sorry to interrupt your date, but I have a meeting in Carsco and I want you to watch over the children, can you please?".

"Yes I'll be happy to do that. When do you leave?".

"15 minutes... Would you mind being there now?".

"Of course" I smile.

The care taker walks off and we enter the tent to see 4 children playing with dolls and a 9 year old looking girl rocking back n' forth a baby.

"Hey the care taker left to a meeting, so I'll be watching over y'all".

They looked up and went back to doing their things.

"Hey, I can hold the baby" I say.

She hands over the baby and instantly she started crying. Chase laughed and picked her up, she stopped crying, then he put her close to me and she started crying again.

"Well well, the baby hates you" Chase tried to hold back his laugh.

"Shut up!" I yell.

A 5 year old girl walked up to me "Is you gonna be the next pack leader?".

"I don't know" I state.

"Well, if you do get to be the leader, can you please tell Sarah to please stop stealing my dolls?".

"Ummm.... Where is she, this Sarah?".

She pointed at a blond girl sitting on the floor with a Barbie doll.

"Dat was my doll, she took it! Sarah did this last week, I am sick of it!" She sucked her thumb.

"Ok, I'll deal with it, do you want a snack?".

"Yes. Yum, yummy, yum, yum!".

"Chase will be happy to get you a snack!" I turn around to face him "won't you?".

"Of course! Now where's that snack bucket?" He walks off with the little girl as I go up to Sarah.

"Hey Sarah!" I wave.

"Look at my Barbie doll!" She demanded "isn't she sooo pretty!".

"About the doll Sarah, wasn't that the little girl's doll?".

"You mean, Ariana? Well-um...-" I cut her off "it's not right to steal things, especially if you didn't have it first, I think you should go and give it back".

"You aren't my mother you stupid human!" Sarah screamed.

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