Chapter Twenty Eight: Break the Cycle

Start from the beginning

Naruto screamed as she felt the Sages chakra leave her body. Her tenketsu ached at the sudden loss of chakra. Sasuke let out a low groan as he used his rinnegan to pull away from the technique.

"Get away from that!" Kakashi yelled as he tugged Sakura away from the technique.

"Damn it!" Naruto yelled as she managed to kick back and started to run.

Kaguya screamed, her voice carrying out through the dimension as the chucked of rock collided against her. "Move! Move!" Kakashi yelled as he looked back.

It was as if the dimension was collapsing against itself, the sky was crumbling at the force of the technique.

Naruto was running as fast as she could her eye-catching sight of a shadowy figure. She gritted her teeth and reached out grabbing black Zetsu and slinging him toward the sealing technique.

She couldn't help the smirk on her face as it was stuck against the pilling rocks along with Kaguya.

"The dimension is collapsing! If we don't find a way out we will be sucked in as well!" Sasuke yelled as he ran forward his Sharingan spinning as he tried to find a way out.

"There!" Sakura yelled as she was barely conscious from her battle.

"There's a portal there!" Kakashi reaffirmed as he tugged Sakura a bit harder as he led her toward the portal. "We don't have time!" Naruto screamed.

"Use my chakra Kit!" Kurama yelled as he pumped his chakra through Naruto's system.

Naruto ran forward grabbing Kakashi and Sakura. At her top speed, she could move faster than them so she dragged them toward the portal that had opened up.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Sakura yelled as she stumbled and tried to keep up. Her body was nearly being dragged as Naruto held her arm tightly. "We are almost..." She trailed off as the three of them made it through the threshold.

"Fuck!" Sakura screamed as they went through. Kakashi's eyes widened as he noticed that they were freefalling.

Sasuke was the last one out and was the first to react to the fall. He instantly summoned his Susano. he didn't reach out to help out the others who were still free falling.

The moment Naruto saw the Susano she tossed both Kakashi and Sakura towards it. It was their quick reflexes that allowed them to grab ahold of the giant chakra humanoid.

Sakura screamed in pain as she grabbed on, her already dislocated shoulder cracked as she was forced to catch herself. Her eyes rolled back as her other shoulder popped and dislocated as well. But she held on her fingers curling in on the construct as she held on for dear life. Kakashi had better luck and was able to send chakra to his arms to reinforce them before he was forced to catch himself on the leg of the Susano.

Naruto was barely able to call on the remnants of the power of the sage and was able to float down to the ground.

Naruto collapsed on the floor and took in deep breaths. "Naruto!" Minato yelled as he placed a had on his daughter's shoulder. Naruto panted as she looked up, a small smile crossing on her face for a second before looking to where Sasuke had landed.

Naruto stood up, her body was trembling as she ran forward to where Kakashi and Sakura landed. "Are you guys alright!" She called out. Kakashi was able to help Sakura up and nodded. "Mostly we are." He called out as he helped Sakura up and popped Sakura's shoulder back in place. "I'll live." Sakura called out as she lifted her arm up and placed it on her broken shoulder.

" I can heal this." She stammered out, her body nearly collapsing as she tried to stand by herself.

Sasuke stared at all of them, an unreadable expression on his face.

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