The Heist?

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Hello everyone hope you guys are all doing well. This is a short chapter because I kind of lost inspiration and train of thoughts with this story so I will make notes and try to get back at it again so please cheer for me. Anyways stay safe and strong guys.
Thank you

Liz pov.
Taeil walked me to a huge garden. We walked to a bench in the middle of the huge garden. "Ok so the plan is you have to be here by 8 pm sharp. Find any reason to be here. ok?" I was confused "Why here? Hansol would never let me go anywhere by myself, let alone a huge garden where he can loose sight of me!" Taeil smiled "That's why you have to do a great job on this. Don't fail" Taeil got up and walked away. "How could I convince him?"
Third pov.
Taeil walk into the house and into the room with Hansol and hendery inside. "So any news for me?" Hansol said while fixing his gun on the table. Taeil tensed up "taeyong is planning to infiltrate the garden at 8pm, Sharp." Hansol looked amused. "Well, well he's figured out my weak point. Hendery move all my people to the garden. Looks like we'll be having a fight tonight."
Liz pov.
"I need to get to the garden but how when Taeil and hendery won't stop following me." I walked all around the house, or at least I tried to, hendery wouldn't let me go almost anywhere. I stopped walking. "Is there anywhere you won't follow me? Can I at least go to the bathroom?" Hendery chuckled at me. "You'd be lucky to even breath alone." "Taeil!" I hear hansol call out. I look over at Taeil for help. I need to be at the garden in a few minutes. Taeil sighed and walked away, leavening me with hendery.
Third pov.
15 minutes before heist
"I don't want her near him!" Hansol rolled his eyes. "She's just trying to replace..." Hansol slammed his hand on his desk. "Look. She has no interest in him." "How do you know?" Hansol got up. "Taeil told me she's very interested in someone else." "Prove it"
10 minutes before heist
Liz pov.
I walk to the garden by 7:50. Only 10 minutes left. Hendery stayed behind me as I sat on the bench. I saw at a ton of guys with guns. They started to load the guns and position themselves throughout the garden. "What is going on?" Hendery scuffed. "Wouldn't you like to know." I watched as hansol walked in with Taeil by his side. "What the hell is she still doing out here? Lock her up in her room." Before I could react I was tied up and ducked taped by two other guys. "Great. Now I have to carry her." Hansol laughed. "Taeil help him out and then come straight back." "Yes sir." Taeil and hendery carried me away.
In the room
They sat me on the bed and started to untie me. After releasing my hands I ripped the duck tape of my mouth. "What the hell is going on? I have to be at...." "No. That was part of the plan." I was confused by what hendery said. I looked over to Taeil "you see.." Gun shots could be heard and Taeil pulled me out of the room. We ran back down the stairs and I turned to see hendery behind us with a gun. My mind was blank and before i knew it, we were inside a car.

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