Its Your Choice

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Spencer's POV

My heart was beating faster then a cheater running, I was waiting for a sound but I heard nothing, exepect a car pulling up in the driveway. 

Aria's POV

Hanna noticed me the secound I sneaked into the room, I couldn't help but think how this was all my fault. If I hadn't made that stupid mistake then everything would be okay, I looked back at Spencer, she was watching me intently, it was the same look Alison gave me.

*Flash Back*

Alison kept looking at me, "Ali? Your scaring me?" I said, my voice shakey, she kept her eyes on me as she locked the door. "Ali?" I asked, "Look I have meant t tell you something for ages, but I just couldn't" Ali said, he head down. "I love you Aria" she said, looking up, I froze in panic, as Ali leant in to kiss me, as her lips touched mine, I pulled back. "I'm sorry, but I don't..." I said unlocking the door.

I hated Ali for kissing me that night, I felt bad, but Spencer was the one I loved, shes the only one I have ever really loved.  My mind crashed back the reality as I heard a door open, Ali was back.

I quickly dashed over to Hanna, untying her. Once I had I heard Ali enter the room, "So you came, and I was just starting to think that you weren't going to show" Ali said walking over to me, with a gun in her hand. "Ali don't, please don't hurt Hanna-"

"-Why not? Why souldn't I? You hurt me, why can't I take away the things you love" She shouted grabbing my arm. 

Spencer's POV

I watched Ali and Aria fight, it was like they knew things about eachother which we didn't, it was like a series of inside joke that we had missed.

Aria's POV

"Because she didn't hurt you, none of them hurt you" I yelled back, "Spencer did" she snarled, I couldn't help but look in Spencer's direction, I saw her eyes wide in confusion. "She took you, away from me" Alison said, tying me to a chair, "I loved you first, but you chose her, now I am going to give you another choice...Kill  Hanna, or Emily" Alison said, a sick smile forming as Emily and Spencer were dragged in by masked figures. "Spencer" I screamed as I saw the knife that was held against her throat.

I know you all love Emison, but have no fear, that will happen!!!

I Will Always Love YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora