She's on her own...

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Hey guys thanks so much for reading my story!! I love you all, please go check out Burden by Purpleandunicorns! It is such a good story!!

Aria's POV

How could A do this? It was me she wanted, so why is she taking Hanna? I looked over at Spencer helplessly, "guys I know where she is" I said getting in Spencer's car and starting engine, Emily jumped in the back, and Spencer joined me in the front. As I was driving I could feel Spencer's eyes on me, they were filled with concern and love it made my heart flutter. When we arrive at the old barn, I jumped out and ran around the back, where there was a gap in the boards. "Guys come on" I whispered, looking through the hole, I could she Hanna tied up she looked so helpless.

Hanna's POV

I was surrounded in a room, with thousands of photos of Aria, yeah there were a coupled of photos of us, but mostly of Aria. It felt like hours since A had left, I trust the girls, I know they will try and help me.

Spencer's POV

I followed Aria around the back, straight away she was staring at something in the room, Hanna she was tied up, and by the looks of it beaten. Before I could stop her Aria had slipped through the crack, the problem was me as Emily couldn't fit through she was on her own.

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