"Why is Z being carried?" as a confused Shal.

Phinks shrugged, "tried apparently"


Z furrowed her brows, she had just been put down and was drifting back off to a blissful sleep when the tortured screams of the dead entered her ears. She tried to ignore it, the yells and comments.... Wait? She opened a lid, a signal hue glancing towards the trees, listening carefully. Cute little kalluto...... what the fuck?

"He's the one"

"How did you find him?" a familiar voice asked.

"Dumbass like we'd ever tell you!" Nobu growled.

"Oh for fuck sake theirs another one..." she muttered grimly under her breath before closing her eyes. Her eyebrows twitched, trying to block it all out. But it seems the dead wasn't letting her sleep tonight or day or whenever...

She vanished to only appear in font of figure, interrupting the conversation between Hisoka and the young child. Holding out a bead in the palm of her. "Fucking put your nen in this"

The 'female' stared at her blankly, "it's okay, we all done it" Machi spoke, giving the youngster the go ahead.

Z blew on the bead, it changing to a dirty white after the child place it back in her hand. "Glad to see your awake~ little Z"

The angel didn't waste a signal second it spinning round throwing the knife directly towards the tree beside his head. "Don't even think about it" she warned, black hues growing. Hisoka put up his hands in mock defeat.

Z glared at the man, before slowly returning to her perch. It took her no time in settling down and drifting off to sleep, the world around them silent. "It seem you been introduced to Z" Nobu stated, scratching the back of his head. "She's not part of the troupe but her and Dancho have a deal of sorts."

"I see, and the bead?"

"Dear Z, can see the dead~" Hisoka purred, "everyone you've killed~ she was just sealing them in the bead, now shall we get back to the matter at hand and leave the angel to her sleep?"


Z was rudely awoken to a knife to the face – a knife which she easily caught. But it didn't stop the irritated glare pinning the thrower to the spot. Or would have if the thrower hadn't been a stupid red head. "Wakey, wakey~ dear angel" the man hummed.

"Fuck off" she stated coldly, slipping the knife into the confinements of her cloak. Before trying to sink back into the fur linings.

"No can do~ I'm going to update you, as you were dead to the world"

"I don't care"

"But I made the deal with the nen remover~ he's going to come with us after he deals with his little problem"

"Fucking finally"

Hisoka frowned at her short blunt responses, maybe the game had taken a lot of energy? Though she had been sleeping for 2 days straight. "Why don't you go fine kuroro while I wait for the nen user? ~ Then I will text you when we are out of the game?" The red head suggested, he needed to be on her good side of his growing plan to work.

Dark hues locked onto his golden ones, narrowed in suspicion. Before she stood up, "what's the catch?"

"No catch~ just that favour to own me is a little bigger"

She was silent a moment, contemplating her options. "Fuck it" she muttered before disappearing into shadows.

Two minutes later, Nobu and Machi walked into the clearing, "where Z?"

"I think she gone for a nap elsewhere, most likely in the biggest bed she can find."

"But she was supposed to help with the nen remover..." nobu sweat dropped.

"I did tell her about the recent development though~" the magician chuckled.

-by the big bed -

Z stepped out of the shadows, making a beeline to the bed. First step the coat dropped to the floor, second step, shoes being flung into a random corner of the room. Third step she stripped down to her underwear, fourth falling flat face first onto the bed with a defeated sigh.

Physically she was fine, not an issue there. Mentally however, everything was a continuous drain – every hour of the day she felt the presences in the back of her head begging screaming scratching against the cage she had placed them in. It was a continuous battle of will power, and that game. Greed fucking island, had pushed her close... to close to the limit of her control.

Maybe she should had let Mazikeen lose onto the world just to release the growing tension.

She was just tried. So very tired of everything, of the living, of the death. The angel just wanted to float in an emptiest of the never-ending abyss. To be completely numb, but the tiredness of her limbs and mind kept dragging her down into reality.

She didn't react as two slightly cold hands bore down on her shoulders, pressing down in a circular motions. Slowly but surely releasing the tension from the muscles, the hands moved along her spine, rubbing and massaging the muscles down her back.

With each knot loosen she felt herself relax, slipping further into the bed as her mind drifted elsewhere, into the dark realms of sleep.

When the owner of the hands was sure the angel had fallen asleep stopped his gentle motions and examined the females face. He could see the bags growing under her eyes, and the paleness of her skins – he hadn't realised sending her into the game would cause should a change. What had happened?

He shifted, pulling the bed covers over the sleeping female. Slipping off, he padded to his previous position. On a worn leather armchair with an old tone. Settling back down, book in hand his charcoal hues locked onto the females sleeping form.

Kuroro sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. He would have to wait for his answer it seems.  

To be continued.... 

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