Chapter 25

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"Can I leave??" she muttered as others run with their tails in-between their legs, as the next game. Dodgeball was introduced.

"Nope~" Hisoka purred, a hand on her shoulder making sure she didn't disappear.

"This is fucking shit..."


She listened vaguely to the rules, before standing in the furthest corner. A frown on her face. She didn't want to play this stupid game. She didn't want to be on this stupid island. She didn't was this stupid headache. She didn't want to see what she could see. The two worlds merging and shifting before her eyes, making it hard to view the living world before her. Making hard to determine what was real and what was not...

"Hisoka" she hissed earning his attention. "You own me more than just a few drinks for this shit"

"I can give you a good time in bed if you want~" the man responded smoothly back.

Her glare harden, at the nen increase around the pair. In her time of discovering her 'human' emotions for other people – she had come to a conclusion that she really, really disliked Hisoka at times. At this point... she hated the perverted soulless male.

"You're playing a dangerous game you twat. Before careful or not even death with save you" she growled.

"Is that a promise? Why don't we have a game of our own~" the man smirked, knowing full well he was getting under her skin.

"Fuck you and your fucking games" she hisses, watching as the magicians face changed. Skin and paint seemed to melt, slowly dipping down his face, thought patches of muscle still clung desperately to his skull. The darkness seem too crept into the edges of her vision as her head pounded. That wasn't a good sign... She blinked the vision away returning her attention to killua and a strange puppet thing, made by razor nen.

She ignored the deranged chuckled from the magician and concentrated at the game at hand. "The throw-in will signal the start of the match! Ready" she steadied her stance no way was she going to get hit by that ball... "GO!!"

They won the toss up, or razor let them win...

Too easy... way too easy... She thought as three of razors puppets where taken out. Her head pounded even more, the steady drum speeding up its beat, as her sight shifted. Sounds entered her hears as razors vengeful spirits screamed and cursed from the afterlife... but one... one was muttering like a running commentary of the ball, the game...

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, shaking her head to bring herself back into reality. "Wait!" she yelled but it was too late. The male had thrown it directly towards razor...

"Oh for fuck sake..." she muttered as razor caught it before sending it back. She watched blankly as the ball shoot like a bullet towards his head... well it was nice knowing him. Not.

"Damn it... He still alive"

"Now now~ that's not nice to say about your teammates" Hisoka chuckled.

She glared at him, reverting her attention back towards the ball now flying around the court. She didn't move, using her eyes and senses as the ball zoned about the court ignoring the dead the best she could as they continued to break down the walls she had put up, "Tsezugera! Behind you!" she heard the boys yell before the solider took the ball into his side.

That's two down on their side, three on the other....

How long till this game ends?

And now Hisoka has the ball... Z didn't know whether it was a bad thing or good thing. That the magician had the ball. She blinked and the reality around them changed, everything darkened spider cracks spread across the floor, she focused on the hands trying to crawl their way out, trying to dig themselves out of the ground that had locked them in place. She could heard the chant, the same word repeated over and over again. Trying not to drown in the sea of dead, she blinked making the world had righted itself.

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