chapter 26

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She handed Hisoka the ball before turning on her heels. Out of the area. "I'm fucking leaving don't try to stop me" she growled as the skeletons crumbled into dust, the ashes flowing back into the cracks whence it came. "And you" she glared at razor, "I pity you for the nightmares coming your way"

"Wait! We ne-"

"Let her be, we can do this without the angel~" hisoka voice cut though the boys shouting. Golden eyes watched as the interesting angel vanished into darkness. Gon glanced to Hisoka and back to where the women had disappeared too, rising his hand he yelled, "Back"

And so the game continued...


Hisoka stared intently at the women before him.

It had taken him far longer that he would have liked to admit to find the angel – even using the game to his advantage, he failed to spot the female. It was only thanks to his heighten senses from a very entertaining match of dodgeball was he able to notice her.

How she had acted in the ball was very intriguing... To say the least, he hadn't seen her act so 'different'. She had been close to breaking, close to wiping out the whole field yet she had kept it under wraps and went with the best course of action. To flee.

Hisoka frowned, even though she would hate him for it, they had a job to do... he had to wake her up... he stepped closer. Or maybe he didn't.

He scoped the female up, checking that she was still asleep before transferring her onto his back, her deadweight hardly weighting him down at all as he took out his book. It seems a Nen remover had been found.

Z eyes fluttered open at the sudden movement – staying still as she came into contact with a warm back. Black eyes flickered about catching the flash of bright pink before closing them. If it was just Hisoka, she would just go back asleep. She couldn't be brother to deal with anything more today, she was just soo tried. Tired of everything. Of living. Of these stupid human emotions constantly stirring within her. Just of everything.

Hisoka almost froze mid-step as her warm breath caused the hair on his neck to rise. It was a strange sensation, a mixture between pleasurable and terrifying at the same time. Pleasure of the strong female head laying in the crook of his neck – her lips so very close to his skin. But also very terrifying, as the breath was like a ghost continuously hovering over his shoulder – something unearthly watching his every move, breathing down in neck and into his very soul.

A mixture between pleasure and terror. He had never been so turned on in his lifetime.

Shame the game he had proposed had ended without the angel even knowing.

"Book" he muttered softly as not to disturbed the sleeping female, before taking out a card. "Accompany on"

It a flash he landed besides Phinks, and the blonde male blinking in surprised at the sight, "she's had a tiring game of dodgeball~" Hisoka stated like it explained it all, before the group of three disappeared once more appearing due to the cards of the game.

"Where's our friend?" Phinks asked Shal, as the rest of the ryodan stared at the sleepy Z with a confused expressions.

"Machi and Nobunaga are watching him" he stated lifting a finger to show the attracted string. Hisoka nodded a smile on his smile as he walked into the forest, Z still being carried on the mans back.

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