The fucking idiot lost the ball....

She stared darkly as razor stepped up ready to throw the deadly ball again, aiming directly towards Gon, who didn't even dodge. The young reckless boy took the ball head on literally, flying straight towards the back wall.

She caught Hisoka glance and rolled her eyes at the message he had sent her... if he dies try and bring him back. But she feared, if she attempted to bring him back. Other things would break free from her control.

Some more stupid shit happened... The male with gorilla puppets tried to look brave and got his ass kicked, currently he was unconscious due to a ball to the face. It was now 4 v 3 inside the court.

Razor had the ball, and with a powerful shot sent it directly towards killua who dodge. Not excepting the ball to swiftly change direction, the blonde dodged out of the way, as did Hisoka, leaving the ball to fly in her direction.

Z didn't move as she glared at it, only to vanish into dark shadows before it hit her.

What no one expected was for there to be a puppet waiting to grab the ball and throw it to an unsuspecting Hisoka, just as Z rematerialized on the court. "Player biscuit is out!" the referee demanded. "Please move to the outside court"

While everyone debated why the blonde girl had been taken out, Hisoka turned towards Z. "That wasn't very nice~ disappearing like that"

"I don't care" she growled, a glare on her face.

"We are playing as a team remember~" the magician smirked, while killua looked towards them with a frown on his face.

She could feel the shadows creeping along her spine as her neck itched violently. "I don't care about this shitty game, I don't care about what you think..." her tone started to darken, as the lights started to flicker, "I don't care about your pathetic lives, nor your souls which I considering eating as we're getting hungry"

"We better win this quickly then mighten we~" Hisoka grinned viciously while those around them, eyed the ravenette nervously, the dark aura surrounding her wasn't helping. She took a deep breath glaring at the red head, before dragging her attention back toward the game at hand.

She didn't know how it happened, how razor got the ball back again, only that she couldn't dodge in time at the thing hurled towards her, nor could she vanish again as they deemed it 'inappropriate'... utter bullshit.

So she took it, head on, curling round it as it impacted with her stomach. Her heels digging into the ground in an attempt to whole her ground as she was pushed to the outer line of the court. Blood dipped down her lips from the powerful hit. What was it and people hitting her stomach? Everyone watch with surprised, has her nen level rose and the floor below her crack and splintered with the pressure as she was push back.

"Fuck this shit" she muttered as the onlookers gapped in shock as from between the growing cracks skeleton hands rose.

"What the-"

The skeleton hands reached out gripping her legs tightly slowing her movement down only to be joined by more skeleton dragging themselves out of the cracks in the ground to hold her in place. She stopped sliding backwards, just inside the lines of the court. Taking deep breaths she gave razor a deadly glare that would cause even the coldest parts of the world to freeze over. "That fucking hurt" she hissed, her voice eerie as the lights flittered in the room.

"Hey, miss you alright?" asked Gon, giving her a concern look – she had just took the ball in the stomach and form the blood dripping from her mouth... it didn't look good.

Z glanced towards the spiky haired boy – as did the skulls of the skeletons around her which caused the boy to pale in fear.

"Oh my~ he's a cutie~" A feminine voice spoke, wavering in the air. "Abet too young for my taste though~"

"Have you no honour" a male voice growled, "Mistress are you okay?"

"Inkar, no" Z growled as the shadows shift to her left – the form of a women coming into view.

"Aw but I want to eat~ as do you" Z swore she could see the smirk growing in the shadows. "The walls are crumbing~ the towers are falling~ the bridge is burning~" the ghost sung.

Z glared eyes narrowing as she stared to a point just behind razor as the women continue to hum the creepy song. "Mazikeen" she growled eyes flickering just as the man felt the chill run down his spine.

He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise, as a shiver raced down his spine – it was like something had just walked though his soul. Then he felt the blood drip from a cut on his neck that wasn't there a moment before. "Mazikeen" the women before him growled again her eyes darkening – the black voids growing. He dared a glance over his shoulder, a women stared back.

An Oni mask, rested on the women's forehead black tendrils of hair floated about as she smiled. That wasn't all, her smile was stitched into place - lips pulled apart to reveal razor sharp teeth. But it was the eyes that unnerved him the most, ghostly white voids that promised nothing but oblivion.

"Mazikeen" the ghost, filtered out of reality like smoke at the tone of Z voice. His expression didn't change as he turned back towards the ravenette. Thought his mask of indifferent didn't show much, the pale clamminess of his skin and the sweat that dripped down his face were a indicating of the fear that had settled in his stomach. Maybe targeting her wasn't the best idea.

Z looked at the ball in her hands, feeling the pain grow in her stomach – she couldn't be here for much longer – what inkar said was true, her walls, the control was crumbling Mazikeen coming out proved it.

It wasn't the first time the ghosts under her control tried to break free and it certainly wouldn't be the last time either.

She handed Hisoka the ball before turning on her heels. Out of the area. "I'm fucking leaving don't try to stop me" she growled as the skeletons crumbled into dust, the ashes flowing back into the cracks whence it came. "And you" she glared at razor, "I pity you for the nightmares coming your way"

"Wait! We ne-"

"Let her be, we can do this without the angel~" hisoka voice cut though the boys shouting. Golden eyes watched as the interesting angel vanished into darkness. Gon glanced to Hisoka and back to where the women had disappeared too, rising his hand he yelled, "Back"

And so the game continued...  

To be continued.... 

hi all! 

anyone know anyone who would like to make a cover from some of my stories? havent really had the time to make some artwork for covers?! if anyone is interested give us a shout! 

how you folks liking the story? and Z?

let us know what ya think! 

happy hunting xx

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