Blood Loss

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Mikela's POV
I approach Kageyama. I can't believe I am doing this. And Kageyama is glaring at me! I am about to risk my life for his and he has the nerve to glare! Then again he doesn't know I am risking my life, no one does. I doubt Erza would have asked had she known the cost. I kneel beside Kageyama and hover my hands over the wound. Moving my wrist really hurts, but I have to just deal. The golden light appears and envelopes Kageyama's wound.He grimaces as the wound closes, but then the wound is gone and the light fades. I step out of the room as soon as I was done. At first, I don't feel any pain. Did the wound not transfer? Then all of a sudden it feels like my stomach is being ripped open. Almost immediately I start to gush blood from my stomach. I quickly take off my jacket and tie it above the wound tightly trying to tourniquet the wound.It definitely slowed the bleeding at least.hopefully, since I am wearing a couple layers and the jacket is covering the wound, no one will see any blood.Erza comes out and says, "Thank you Mikela! Because of you Kageyama just broke the barrier." I smiled at her through the pain. I guess it looked a little forced because she asks, "are you ok?" I quickly try to cover it with, "yeah, just used a lot of magic power." I can't let her know. She would feel horrible, and she needs to focus on the task at hand. When we get to Clover I will go to the hospital and get taken care of when all this is over. Natsu and happy flew ahead of us to face Erigor. The rest of us, including Kageyama for some reason, got in the magic mobile and went to meet up with him. By the time we caught up with him, he had already beaten Erigor! He is incredible! While we are talking, I feel that my jacket has loossened and I am losing more blood. I start to feel light headed. I tightened the jacket again. It hurts so much! It feels like my stomach is on fire. Gray notices me grimacing and give me a concerned look. I quickly smile at him and go back towards the magic mobile.

Gray's POV
As we are celebrating and planning our next move, I notice that Mikela is grimacing. Why? Did she get hurt? I look at her concerned. She quickly smiles at me but it looks forced. She probably just used to much magic power, no need to worry. She starts to walk back to the magic mobile, when it goes flying with Kageyama driving, holding the lullaby flute. We immediately go after him, but I keep looking back at Mikela. She is struggling to keep up and looks pretty pale. I hope she is ok. Do I like her? No, couldn't be.

Mikela's POV
As we were running, I was lagging behind. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. I tighten the jacket once more and we arrive and see Kageyama about to play for Gramps! We are about to run and help, but we are stopped by a man... I think. Erza tells me he is master Bob from Blue Peagus guild. As minutes pass by Gramps talks Kageyama out of going through with the plan. All of a sudden the flute turns into a massive wooden demon! Oh no! I am to weak to help by this point. I almost can't stand. Erza, Gary, and Natsu go and fight the demon, but I can't focus on the fight. My mind is muddled, like I am underwater. My vision starts to blacken and my knees start to go weak. I hear people talking about how impressive Fairy Tail was. I guess they beat the demon. I start to fall, and I hear a panicked voice scream "MIKELA!" I wait for the pain of hitting the ground but I pass out before then. The last thing I think before falling into the inky blackness is, am I dying?  After that, I fall into a deep sleep.

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