a role model for this generation

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Sup, pushovers. Yes, I said it. We've all been pushovers. Meeting negative people with positivity, thinking that positivity will overpower negativity. When in reality, we are allowing negativity to, inconsequentially, run free and populate.

YESTERDAY'S role models will tell you to turn the other cheek. Keep your heart open. Be the better person. But how will you be the better person after they take everything you have? If they win, are you really the better person for having less cynical morals?

I tried to be the person who stayed positive. I tried to be a contrast to this cynical world, but i became it's prey. It became my predator.

And then? She made her mark. And everything changed.

For anyone who doesn't know her, her name is Bayley

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For anyone who doesn't know her, her name is Bayley. What really intrigues me is how she made it clear that she still considers herself to be a role model after turning heel. She made a clear pathway for us, sending the message that not all role models have to be good guys. And you don't have to be the good guy either.

The goal is to love yourself and win YOUR title. If that means terrorizing the rest of the world around you, so be it. Be a heel. Because pleasers are prisoners. Egotism is justice. And this is your only life.

So thank you Bayley, for being the role model this world needs.

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