pleasers are prisoners, aren't they?

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I used to be that way. I thought that validation was found in being loved and adored by others. And in a way, i gave them control over my identity. My way and will needed their approval.

That was until i learned what i needed to learn. No matter how much work you put into making others happy, it'll mean nothing by the time they become bored with you.

You could be out there, earning your keep, hustling, fighting for your life, but the moment they realize they are no longer entertained by you, they turn their back on you.

And by learning this, i learned why the heels are superior to the faces. Someone who aims to be loved, is less for being hated. Someone who only aims to gratify themself does not yield to the approval nor disapproval of the audience.

So let's start a movement here. In life, we aren't meant to be your entertainers. Our validation doesn't come from your positive feedback. We're in this for ourselves now. We're breaking away from the algorithm that says validation is synonymous to popularity. We aren't living for you. We are living for ourselves. We are the #FreedomMovement. Freeing ourselves from you.

Pleasers are prisoners.

But egotism. Is. Justice.

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