Chapter 6.

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I grabbed a granola bar and sat on the couch cross-legged next to my mum.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while!" She commented.

"I know, I've been busy." I replied and played with Ben's ears.

"Made any new friends?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, they'll be here in an hour or so. You can meet them, they're really nice." I said about Maisy and Tiana as they were coming to take me out today, she may as well meet them.

"Good. You put a film on then and I'll make some popcorn," Mum said and got up off the couch. Me and my mum watch films all the time and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible right now. While I can.


"So where are you taking me?" I asked Maisy and she drove. My mum loved her and Tiana, she made us pasta and we all watched the rest of 50 First Dates until Maisy said it was time to go because we had to be somewhere.

"You'll see," She replied and her and Tiana glanced at eachother.

"What does that mean?"

"Ryker is right. You do ask too many questions." Maisy said and chuckled.

"Ryker's a dick." I stated.

"He's not that bad. He has a heart of gold, you just have to break down his walls and he's one of the most amazing guys you'll ever meet," Tiana told me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How do you know?" I asked her curiously.

"I just do." She said. I had chosen somewhere in the middle of my orginial style and Rykers, with some black skinny jeans and a baggy beige sweater paired with some converse, which I didn't mind at all.

We all got out of the car once we arrived. We walked down the streets, gazing in a few windows and Maisy always stopped to admire some shoes or a bag. They both led me into a hairdressers and I twiddled with my thumbs. I don't want some freaky haircut.

"What can I do for you?" A middle aged woman at the desk asked us.

"We want our friends hair cut, coloured and styled, washed and blow dried." Maisy rambled about many incessant details with the woman but I hung onto the word 'coloured'. No, I was not going blue or green no matter how 'badass' I needed to look, I didn't need to look like a clown going to a five year old goths birthday party.

"Sure," She said and called over a woman that looked in her early 20's. Her name tag red 'Lauren'. "We're not busy at the moment so we can see you right away, just tell Lauren what you want her to do for you,"

Lauren led us over to an area with three couches and a coffe table and we all sat down.

"Do you want it fully coloured, highlighted?" Lauren asked Maisy about my hair once Maisy explained that she was the one making the decisions. I had known her for barely two days but I knew I trusted her with my hair.

But I did not want to look like some lunatic.

"No." I cut in and Maisy studied my hair for a second, tilting her head sideways.

"I think.."


After three and a half hours of brushing, ragging, washing, ragging again, curling and practically painting my hair, It was finally done.

I wasn't allowed to look in the mirror yet and Lauren spun my chair around to face Maisy and Tiana so they could see my hair first. They're faces instantly lit up.

"It looks amazing," Tiana said with a bright smile.

"All the guys are going to be drooling over you!" Maisy squealed and clapped her hands. "Show her,"

Lauren spun my chair around again so that I was facing the mirror and I gasped.

I had a fringe, two tuffs either side of my face that was purposely ragged to make it look edgy, but it looked flawless all the same, my hair was still its bleach blonde colour ontop but as of mid-way down my head it gradually descended into a fiery red colour. My hair was curled so all the hair was big and volumous and all the colours complimented eachother.

It was beautiful and edgy at the same time.

I loved it.

"You're so going to rock this with your new wardrobe tomorrow," Maisy said and a huge grin broke across my face. "And when Ryker see's you.."

"Shut up," I cut her off jokingly and stood up, dusting down my jeans.

"Oh and we have one more surprise for you." Maisy told me but she sounded kind of cautious. "I don't know if you'll like it or not though.."


"No way!" I protested as Maisy and Tiana stood me infront of a Tattoo and Piercing shop.

"It won't be that bad, just get something small and cute," Tiana encouraged me.

"I already got my ears pierced, that was bad enough," I insisted and went to turn away when Maisy grabbed my shoulders.

"Just think about it, Autumn. Are you not tired of being the goody-two shoes good girl that always does as she says? Are you not tired of wearing the same things over and over again and blending into the background? Don't you want to be noticed in a good way, as sexy and mysterious for once?" She said and paused for a few seconds, "...Don't you want to change? It's not like you're not going to be you. And deep down I know you'll like it, you're just scared."

I sighed in defeat. "Fine,"

Maisy smiled and skipped into the shop. I stepped inside and a large unfriendly looking guy stood at the desk. He had tattoes everywhere and several facial piercings.

"What can we do for you?" The man said and smiled, completely taking me by surprise.

"You're going to want something to show off with all those new crop tops, won't you?" Maisy said with a mischevious smile. This was going to hurt.


"Ouch," I whimpered as we stepped out of the Tattoo and Piercing shop and into the cold night air. "It hurts!"

"That's what she said," Maisy muttered. "It'll be worth it, Autumn." She promised and I sighed. It better be worth it.

I pulled up my sweater to reveal the silver metal jewellery in my belly button. Yes, Maisy made me get a belly button piercing. It hurts. A lot. Around my belly button was bright red from the soreness and swelling.

I keep telling myself that this will be worth it though. It will. It was time for change. I'm sick of feeling invisible.

You just want to prove Ryker wrong, a little voice in my head said.

I did want to prove Ryker wrong too. I wanted to show him that I wasn't some good girl that always did as she was told. I could be bad. I may be a good girl sometimes.

But I could be a bad girl too.

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