The Battle of Starcourt - [Pt.5]

Start from the beginning

Then the glass completely shattered, and there was a huge, and I mean a HUGE, thump on the ground.

Then The Mind Flayer screeched, snarled, and roared with all it's might.


My hand and Will's found their ways to each other, for like, the millionth time today.

I felt limp and paralyzed with fear.

Then the walkie, in the legit middle of the mall, started crackling, and a worried Dustin started screeching.

"Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy, over!"

He kept on the repeating the same thing.

Then I heard the Mind Flayer grab the walkie, and screech right into it, making my ears ring a bit.

Then it threw the walkie, and it literally landed right behind where we were.

The voice was distorted now. "Griswold family, this is Scoops Troop, please confirm your safety!"

It was me, Will, Jonathan, Nancy, and Lucas.

The Mind Flayer was moving around like crazy.

It kept roaring everywhere.

"GRISWOLD FAMILY, DO YOU COPY?! GRISWOLD FAMILY, DO YOU COPY?!" Dustin kept shouting, and the walkie kept getting more distorted by the second.

Will kept shuddering in fear, as did I.

Then I heard El, Mike and Max try to escape, but something fell and gave them away, and the Mind Flayer followed right after them.

It stopped moving, and I guess it was trying to find them.

Jonathan peered over the top of the car, and came back down. "Oh, shit." He said to Nancy.

Then Lucas grabbed his wrist rocket.

"What are you doing?" Nancy snarled.

"Don't worry," Lucas said.

Then Lucas shot up and aimed.

He pulled the rock WAY back, and closed one eye.

He then shot a balloon, distracting the Mind Flayer, and saving Mike, El, and Max's asses.

Lucas then ducked his ass back down.

Jonathan then looked over once more. "Go!, Go, go, go, go, go, go!" He said and we all bolted through the Hot Dog on a Stick store and for our lives.

We went through the little hallways, up the stairs, and off we went.

Everyone bolted out the mall and into the car.

Even though I wasn't, I still felt paralyzed.

As we got in, Billy started revving the engine again, letting us know that he saw our every current move.

Nancy got her gun and started shooting.

Jonathan tried to turn the engine, but it STILL didn't work.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on!!"

Then Billy's car started BOLTING towards us.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" I said.

"Come on!" Will said.

"We gotta go!" Lucas said.

Bullets were flaying, though it unfortunately made no difference.

"COME ON!" Jonathan said, forcefully turning the key.

The car got closer and closer.

My heart skipped a beat.


Everyone then held on for dear life, as Billy's car got closer and closer.

Then Nancy flinched in fear, and ducked.

And then...

There was a huge crash, but it wasn't into our car.

Another car which contained of Steve and Robin, came to a violent stop.

I let out several deep breaths, and loosened my grip on both Will and my set, and loosened the tensity in my muscles.

Then there was a squelching sound, and a growl, and everyone looked out the car window and aright at the perfect moment of all time, there was the Mind Flayer, peering over at us from the shattered roof of the mall.

And before I knew it, Nancy got into the car and Jonathan started driving, and honked at Steve and Robin to get in.

"GO, GO, GO, GO!" Lucas said.

"Go, go, go!" Steve said.

Then the two hopped in the backseat, and we started driving off.

(Okay, so if you guys saw my last announcement, basically, my dad PUT ON FREAKING SCREEN TIME ON MY MAC AND MY PHONE! So therefore, as much as I hate to say it, updates most likely wont come as often. I'm really sorry, I just have to either wait till Christmas or my birthday so I can literally pay my dad to take it off, but until then... yeah. BUT, since today is my first day of Thanksgiving break, a few more updates may come this week. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!)

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