The Bite - [Pt.2]

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Now we arrived at Bradley's Big Guy, to tend to El's needs.

Nancy violently parked, or, pulled over, making the car make an unnatural U-turn, as we all shook around.

Then we got out, as Nancy grabbed a rock and shattered to window, as we all stepped in.

Just saying, but Nancy really turned into a badass.

Wow, this poor door went through a lot. And both reasons were about El.

We walked into the medical aisle.

I still felt a little weak after getting slammed into the wall by a psychotic monster that wants to rule the world, but I mean, other than that, I guess I'm doing pretty good.

Nancy grabbed some alcohol and some gauze. "Okay, get her down." She panted.

Mike and Max set her down.

"Okay, lemme see." Nancy said, crouching down next to El, pulling her pant sleeve up (idk of that's how you call it lmao), revealing a nasty, nasty gash in her leg, that was bleeding.

"Oh, shit." Max said.

Everyone else groaned with her.

El winced in pain.

Nancy got the gauze out, but Max stopped her. "What-- what-- Hey, what are you doing?" She interrupted.

"I'm cleaning the wound," Nancy retorted, confused.

"No, first, we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage."

Everyone looked at her confused.

"I skateboard. Trust me." She said. "Mike, hold this." She said, putting the gauze pad on, indicating Mike to hold onto it. El winced in pain again. "Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?" Then she turned her attention to Nancy and Jonathan. "We're gonna need water, soap." They nodded, and headed off.

Then Lucas, who was next to me and Will, (whose arm was still around me) got his backpack and started dumping out all the contents, and a ton of crap and pennies rolled out onto the ground.

"Does any of this help?" He asked Max, innocently.

Max had an annoyed look on her face, and shook her head. "No. Go get me a washcloth and a bowl." She said.

"A bowl?" He repeated.

"For the alcohol and shit," I said.

"Lucas." Max scolded.

Will slapped his arm and gave him a look while Lucas got the message.

"Go!" Will whispered.

"O-Okay," Lucas said, fleeing the scene as Max rolled her eyes.

And to my surprise, Will let go of me and took my hand and took me with them.

We started wandering around the aisles, and Lucas led us to the cereal aisle for bowls.

Why cereal?

I have no clue.

"Bowl... Bowl," Lucas muttered, popping the b on the second one. "Bowl..." We all kept bowl. "Why wouldn't it be with the cereal?"

"I don't know," Will said.

"What else do you use a bowl for?" Lucas asked, basically confusing himself.

"I-- I don't know." Will stammered again.

"I don't know, maybe it's in the paper aisle or something." I suggested.

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