The Case of the Missing Lifeguard - [Pt.3 - FINAL PART]

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-Still 3rd person view-

-At the Byers' house-

Mike and Lucas had regretted yelling at Will. They felt like assholes, which they were.

It was raining, and they had just arrived at the Byers' house.

They quickly mounted off the bikes, and just dropped them to the ground.

They rushed to the door and Mike started pounding on it.

"Will!!" Mike shouted, his voice drowned out by  the sound of rain. "Will, I'm sorry, man, all right? I was being a total asshole! Please, can you just come outside and we'll talk?" Mike pleaded.

No response.

Mike kept pounding on the door with his fists. "Will!"

Lucas looked through the windows, and there was no one there. No lights were on. "Hey, Will!" Lucas called through the window. "Come on, man, we're sorry!" He lightly pounded on the windows. "Will!"

-At Castle Byers-

(This scene is so sad 😭)

Will was in Castle Byers, his special thinking place. Rain was falling through the sticks. Will was soaked from both rain and light tears.

Will was flipping through a soaked and crinkled comic book.

He then scoffed, remembering that he's "not a little kid anymore," according to Mike. He sighed.

He looked around Castle Byers and saw his D&D manual, and memories flooded back from the day he went missing.

"Something is coming, something hungry for blood," Mike had said. 

"What is it?" Will had asked.

"What if it's the demogorgon?" Dustin had asked. "Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the demogorgon!"

"It's not the demogorgon!" Lucas had said.

"And how would you know that?" Kylie had said back to him.

Lucas rolled his eyes.

Will kept looking around some more, and his eyes landed on a picture of Will the Wise that he had drawn.

"Will, your action!" Mike had said.

"Fireball!" Will had said back.

"FOURTEEN!" Dustin had shouted. Everyone exclaimed in joy.

The he saw the pictures from the science fair, when they got first place, and the Halloween the year prior, when they were Ghostbusters, and Kylie was Kate Beringer from the Gremlins.

He picked up the Halloween picture.

The memory replayed of them singing Ghostbusters.

Everyone had looked so happy.

And Kylie... she didn't have any secrets.

"Who ya gonna call?" The boys had said.

"Ghostbusters!" Will had said back.



Looking back and remembering more and more, Will felt more and more hurt inside.

"Stupid." He said. He started lowkey crying again. "So... stupid." He gave it one last look, and tore the picture up.

He threw it to the ground and got his Will the Wise drawing.

"So stupid!" He cried, tearing up his drawing.

He grabbed another picture and threw it down, too.

Then he spotted a metal bat.

He went outside Castle Byers, giving it one last look.

Then he started beating his fort with the bat, making pieces of bark fall down.

He gave it another hit, and another, and several more after that one. 

The supports started falling off, and only one half of the sign had stayed on.

Then he started pulling it apart.

Then he fell to the ground, hurt and crying.

(Now I'm crying too, great.)

He was on one knee, sobbing.

Several minutes passed by.

Then Will felt something... different.

Like at the movie theater, and at the field.

He didn't get it.

Then goosebumps grew on his neck, as he touched it.

The he figured it out.

He stood up, and looked around.

"WILL!" Mike called. They were at Castle Byers now.

"Will!" Lucas said.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Mike asked.

Will looked at them. "He's back."

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