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Everything was black.

As Marx was falling and falling from space every passing second faster, he couldn't see, touch, hear, taste or smell anything, everything went completely numb.

Or well, everything would have been numb, if it wasn't for the extreme inside pain he was feeling that very moment.

Then he could feel the heat for the speed he was falling for and that would be completely normal, given the fact that he was falling from the stratosphere. He would probably be dead in an hour or two, he had serious injuries after his fight with Kirby, and also he was burning from the fall, although the only pain he could actually feel is the one within him.

Then, he started bumping into trees, as they kind of soften his final crash against cold wet the floor.

And just for his luck, it begins to rain.

Marx has just lost it all; the one person who believed in him no matter what, his beloved home, the friendships he has made so far and all his power, all because a selfish wish he had, a stupid, stupid plan of revenge. He felt like a fool, but that didn't matter, since he was going to die, anyway.

So he closed his eyes, waiting for the sweet embrace of death, to finally burn in hell, just as he deserved.

Or well, that was at least what he thought, but little did he know, he was going to be found by a small, purple variation of a puffball, someone who would change his life.

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