Chapter 10

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I am dedicating this chapter to WafflesAndSyrup, Thanks for the comment love made me laugh. :) Ill keep dedicating each chapter to you lovely Guys/Ladies      


The beginning is boring sorry but the end is worth it promise. So just bare with me lol. Enjoy! :)


                                 (NIALL'S POV)

The phone on my alarm jolted me up. I looked at the time 9am. I got a total of four hours of sleep. I grab some clothes running into the bathroom being as quiet as possible. I don't want to wake him up i don't want to see him or speak to him hell i don't want to think of him. What i did last night was uncalled for. But just as i decided last night this isn't who i am anymore. I cant be soft Sweet little Niall anymore. I have to be Niall without a heart now. So if sleeping with someone just because is part of that then hey I'm all for it. Ew that horrible to say. Ugh this is going to take some getting use to. I wiped myself down throwing on my clothes. Looking in the mirror quickly then i froze. No wonder nobody takes me seriously. I eyed my heavy green sweater the hung loosely over my shoulder and the black jeans that didn't fit all to well. Yeah i was always a little scared to have anything that would show my body but i grew up its not to bad anymore. I could change this to. Buy clothes that fit the new me. I don't know what that is though. I thought about for a moment then it hit me. I got all my stuff including my wallet. running down the step and into the kitchen where i know she will be. I was right there she was standing over the stove.

"Sky.!" She jumped a little from the brake of silence.

"Oh Niall breakfast almost done Hun."

"I need you to come shopping with me." She looked at me confused.

"What? Niall i cant i..."She gonna make me use the guilt trip great.

"I know about all of you being in a gang i thought you were my friend, you were always so nice to me when nobody was but you didn't trust me enough and now.."She threw the spatula down running over to me throwing her arms around my neck.

"Oh Niall i couldn't tell you i wasn't allowed. I would have loved to. I am your friend let me just finish up here and we will head out. We will bring Alex to.!" I smirked maybe i could get use to this. No i couldn't i feel bad. Shut up.!. ugh i wish my brain would just shut off sometimes.

About an hour later i found myself in front of a shop i never would have went into before.

"So your sure you can help?" She nodded.

"Just tell me what change you want made."

"Everything." She looked up at me. disappointment showing i choose to ignore.

"Anything specific?"

"I want a bad boyish style not like leather and boots but something close." She nodded. I looked over at Alex she was standing there hasn't said a word since we left. We walked around the store for what seemed like forever both of them throwing things in the cart talking to themselves shaking there heads at things they don't like, laughing at the ridiculous things. I felt out of the loop with them like i didn't belong but i guess that don't matter anymore either, After a little while they threw me into the dressing room and made me try on every piece of clothing from the cart. they made me show them each one i felt like i was putting on a fashion show. The things they liked i got a thumbs up and the things they didn't they just shook their heads. Is this how girls are all the time? Finally i got to something i was most comfortable in the last outfit of them all. A black pair of skinny jeans and a nice fitted white tshirt didn't show to much but fit just right, A pair of white supras a few bracelets. i walked out hoping the agree but i didn't expect the reaction i did get. There mouths dropped they both came rushing to my side which surprised me from Alex.

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