Chapter 18

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I am dedicating this chapter to, NomieArchambault. Thanks so much for the comments love.! And for reading and voting for like every comment. :). Ill keep dedicating to you lovely people.!


Well i did and redid this chapter a few times. I'm not sure if i even like this one but I had to post something for you guys lol. I hope you enjoy! 


                (NIALL'S POV)

I barely slept how could I? I kept playing in my head of all the things I'm going to do today and the outcome. I could get someone I care about hurt, I could end up in jail mostly i fear ill end up dead. I know I'm willing to die as long as he is dead first but if i die and he lives I cant handle that it would all be for nothing. I kept thinking of what I'm going to say I want him to hear me before he goes I want him to feel the words shoot through him like I felt when i was told they were gone. the images of me shooting that gun today played in my head. All i need is one bullet and the job will be done Sean will get what he deserves. I kept looking over at the clock time was going way to slow. What felt like hours were only minutes I thought about going into zayns room I knew it was a bad idea. He would ask questions and try to convince me what I'm doing is wrong. I owe him for helping me which is why I wrote a note telling him where the safe really was and the combination. If I'm not here to use it everyone here deserves it. When the alarm went off i jumped out of bed not bothering to shower just throwing on sweats and whatever tshirt i could find. I ran down to the kitchen not bothering to eat, I couldn't even if i tried. I just sat there waiting for someone to wake up. I must have sat there for an hour staring at the wall until someone finally did. I turned around to see zayn leaning against the door frame. 

"Your up early." He shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Yeah I know I couldn't stop thinking."He frowned.

"You know you can change your mind. You don't have to go through with this."

"I do have to do this. I don't have a choice."

"You always have a choice Niall. stay and i will help you find that other choice."

"No. There is no other way. He needs to die. I wont be happy again until i know he is just as gone as they are."

"Niall you.."I cut him off.

"Zayn if your worried about what will happen then you can stay home. You don't need to help I will find away to do this alone."

"NO.!"I jumped back at his sudden anger. "I mean I'm going to help I want to."He walked toward me standing only a few inches away. "What if there was a reason to stay?"I smiled moving closer i could feel his breathe on my lips.

"I have no reason because I am alone. Ill see you later zayn but if you don't show ill understand."

"Niall please."He tried reaching for my hand.

"I have to do this zayn i thought you understood?"

"I do, Ill be there I wont let you down." I moved and walked away.  I was headed toward the door when i thought i heard him say.

"But I could be that reason if only you let me."But he wouldn't say that. Its zayn were talking about here. I was nervous of course i was but not even that will change anything today Sean dies and hopefully i go with him.

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