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"How in the name of Merlin's pants have you managed to get your hands on those Horcrux books?"― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Walburga wanted to scream in frustration. Stupid horcruxes. Stupid Death. Damn it all!

Walburga sat in Orion's study along with Orion and Abraxas as they poured over books regarding about dark ritual magick in hopes of finding information regarding horcruxes.

However to their dismay and irritation the information they did find were as useless as the gum under her shoe.

Slamming the book he was reading shut, Abraxas sighed loudly gaining the attention of his friends and comrades.

"As much as I hate Dumbledore, I think we're going to need his help to destroy the Gaunt ring. Because one-", he started with his index finger up.

"Voldemort is only fearful of one person and that person is Albus Dumbledore. Two-", he continued putting up another finger.

"Dumbledore has experience defeating a dark lord. And three-", he stated putting another finger up.

"We're playing a dangerous game with Voldemort, and we won't always have time to plot against Voldemort. With extra help equals extra manpower.

Voldemort is rising fast and more purebloods are joining his ranks. Of course I told him about not being able to be branded.

At first he was skeptical but eventually he agreed with my logic and allowed my request. And because I was deemed the "brightest, smartest, and richest" of the bunch. He bestowed me the honorable title of being his right-hand man", Abraxas sneered the last part.

The three shared a look before rising out of their seats, deciding to continue when Dumbledore agrees to their meeting here back in Orions office.

[At Hogwarts/Headmaster's Office]

It isn't very often when Dumbledore gets an unexpected surprise. It was a great surprise and rather concerning to get a letter from Lord Orion Black requesting if not a little more demanding that he attended the meeting scheduled the next day on Saturday.

Now Dumbledore was more than a bit curious, the letter did not give any hints as to what the topic of the meeting was about other than it was import and urgent that he must attend.

Letting curiosity get the better of him, Dumbledore wrote a quick note of acceptance and gave it to the rather proud and intelligent eagle owl who stuck its foot out waiting for him to tie the note to its foot before flying off.

Now he just had to wait till tomorrow, letting out a soft sigh Dumbledore went back to doing his paperwork ignoring the conversations the portraits of previous headmasters were having above him.

[The next day]

Dumbledore got ready that early morning putting on his favorite bright purple robes, because he is after all attending a meeting with a lord.

After he was finished making himself look presentable he flooed to Black Manor, and of course he had gotten permission to do so or something terrible could've happened.

The scene before him was not what he was expecting, there in front of him was Walburga bottle feeding a baby girl while wiping the mouth of 2 year old Regulus Black while Sirius Black was happily engaged in a conversation with Lucius Malfoy. Sr.Malfoy and Sr.Black where also engaged in a conversation as well.

Hearing the floo roar on Orion and Abraxas jumped up with their wand pointing at the offender, while Walburga stood in front of the children with her wand glowing at the tip waiting to hex the offender.

Dumbledore took a step back in shock, "My apologies Lords Black and Malfoy, and Lady Black. I did not mean to interrupt your breakfast. I've must've read the meeting time wrong. I should leave and come again later", he apologized a bit embarrassed.

"No need, since you've come this early at 7:45am. I've assumed you haven't eaten breakfast yet, please join us for breakfast then we can start our meeting after breakfast", Orion offered Dumbledore with a raised eyebrow.

Dumbledore knew it was impolite to refuse a meal when offered so he somewhat reluctantly agreed. And sat next to Orion who pointed out his seat. Once sitting a plate of his favorite breakfast foods popped in front of him. Thanking for the meal, he dugged in as conversations resumed around him.

Midway through his meal while quietly listening to the conversations around him, Dumbledore felt two pairs of eyes that kept glancing at him. Finally looking up, his light blue eyes met a pair of soft stormy grey eyes and a pair of cornflower blue eyes.

"Wow...You're ALBUS DUMBLEDORE THE GREATEST WIZARD EVER!", Sirius gasped in childish awe while Lucius agreed nodding his head frantically in agreement while all the adults chuckled and giggled at his reaction.

Dumbledore felt his eyes soften as Little Sirius and Lucius asked him all kinds of questions while he answered them to the best way a child could understand. Yes, he defeated Grindelwald. Yes, he is old. His favorite candies are sherbet lemons. No he doesn't have a pet dragon nor slayed one, but he did have a Phoenix which he got excited gasps of awe in return.

The three other adults in the room shared a look hiding their chuckles and giggles watching Dumbledore preen under their sons' undivided attention.

*Ahem* Walburga coughed gaining the attention of everyone in the room including little Astraea who blew raspberries at her and little Reggie who smiled at her while playing with his pancakes.

"I sure Dumbledore is tired of answering your questions", Walburga stated raising an eyebrow at the two boys who groaned and pouted in disappointment.

"Ah Ah Ahh boys, don't frown it's unbecoming", she told them only for them to frown even more.

"I guess you boys don't want to go to the park with Astraea, Reggie, and me~", she said in a sing a song voice.

Almost immediately two little voices shouted at her telling her that wasn't true and that they were just pretending and that they wanted to go to the park too!

"Well okay then, if you want to come then you must clean yourselves up, brush your teeth and put your shoes on and meet me in the living room if you want to go", Walburga said teasingly.

Two little bullets shot up the stairs ignoring the adults who told them not to run.

Adjusting Astraea to her chest and grabbing Reggie's sticky hand, Walburga sent the three men an apologetic smile and goodbye. She gave Orion a peck on the cheek before going up the stairs slowly for little Reggie.

The three men watched her and children make it to the top before walking out of their view.

"Well men, shall we begin our meeting now?", Orion stated more than asked leading the two men to his office closing the door when the two men sat down.

Sitting down at his desk, Orion clasped his hands together giving Dumbledore an evaluated look.

"Now men, we have a bit more than a few things to dicuss", Orion stated in his deep authoritative voice.

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