chapter 6 meeting a mouthy Merc and the hero trials!

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Midoriya the lustful hero chapter six

Izuku tilted to the side grabbing the bullet that was fired at him. He threw it at deadpool who had a silenced pistol pointed at him. "Quiet daddy's working." He said before putting his masked eyepiece to the scope. Izuku tapped his glasses with a finger and saw a tall man in samurai armor with spikes on it wearing a strange helmet get out of the car. "Okay mr. Saki say cheese." Deadpool whispered as he pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed through the air and tore through the armor like a hot knife throw butter. "You'd think they'd learn to wear Kevlar." Deadpool said before turning. "Come on kid lets go before they send..." He was interrupted as ten ninjas in black with a red foot on their chests appeared. "Ninjas. God damn it! I hate ninjas! Oh and fuck you this is rated for mature content." He said staring at an air vent. Izuku sighed as Logan told him about deadpool's cognitive consciousness. He tapped his watch and nano-bots came out of the arms and surrounded his head forming a helmet that resembled a goat's head with his horns. He changed the color of his hair to brown as it wasn't covered by the helmet. (AN killmonger's helmet from when he rescued Claw in black panther.) he pulled the web grenades from his bag pulled the pins and threw them at the ninjas. He jumped up grabbing deadpool his wings unfurling as he smiled the grenades exploding with a boom. Deadpool whips his head down at the web covered ninjas then back at Izuku as they landed in an alley. "Son of a whore! Are you Spider-Man's broccoli haired grandson!? Wait he let Gwen fall and MJ got killed by Kraven. You ain't his kid...." Izuku shook his head his helmet disappearing as the nano-bots returned to their holder in his glasses. "Logan didn't elaborate on how annoying you were I'm not related to Spider-Man or to mr. Logan. I have a quirk called lost legends that gives me the ability of legendary beings. Like the pre-quirk era heroes. Flash, Spider-Man, Ironman, wolverine, batman, and you. Along with my first aspect incubus." Deadpool pulled his mask off and said. "So this is a crossover fanfiction then? So what's your name shonen protagonist? Naruto, ichigo, goku?oh wait are you that Asta kid? No wait this is Japan. Oh my god you're JoJo! Ora Ora Ora!" He shouted the last part as he punched the air like the whackjob he was. Izuku sighed and said. "Clearly I made a mistake. All the time alone has driven you insane. I was hoping Logan was wrong when he said you were a lost cause to train me in your fighting styles." Wade put his mask back on and said. "Sorry kid didn't mean to go all Cocoa Puffs on ya. This just seems like the perfect Mr. miyagi moment so I thought I'd go to the crazy hermit side." Izuku chuckled and said. "It's fine just don't do it again or I'll glue glasses on your head that makes everybody look like Donald trump." Deadpool dropped to his knees and held his hands together in a begging posture. "Please in the name of Bea Arthur don't do that. Four years of that greasy cheese colored asshole as president was enough. But least after he was impeached a law was passed to keep people with 0 knowledge in politics from running for president." He said before standing up and pulling a taco from nowhere. He lifted his mask and took a bite. Izuku sighed and handed him a phone he made in case he actually found the red and black Nutjob. "Here this is in case I need to get in contact with you." Wade was already playing with it as he said. "OOOOH shiny! Question can I stalk Midnight's Instagram on here without her blocking me again!?" Izuku ignored the comment and said. "I want you to train me but I think you need more human contact. I happened to talk with the principal of my high school. They need a new gym teacher for the third years that can take a beating." He then turned and flew off leaving Deadpool looking at the two numbers in the phone. Izuku Midoriya and Principle Nezu. "Hey this Nezu? Yeah I'll take the job but um I happen to have a restraining order that needs to be resolved first...." He said into the phone before heading off to get more tacos. 

The week passed by quickly. Wednesday started with Izuku seeing texts from his classmates. He noticed Iida asking if they could meet at the train station. He put his phone down and got ready for school. He saw a note on the table as he came out in his school clothes. His mother had to leave again for another shoot and would be back by Monday. As he ate and left for the train station Izuku smiled as he Thought of how normal UA's classes were.  Present mic being the English literature teacher was weird but not as weird as midnight having a degree in art history. Izuku was excited because Logan told him he was teaching one of the normal classes today. He met the girls at the train station and smiled as he saw Iida waving like a robotic waving machine. He walked up to her and smiled they got on the train and got to school. Once they got the Iida said. "Oh did you hear? We have one of the new teacher's classes today. I wonder Which hero it is?" She seemed so enthusiastic about it that it made Izuku smile. Iida blushed a bit lowering her head before she walked in an exaggerated fashion into the school. He turned his head to Kyouka and ochako who just shrugged at him. Ochako was giggling at the speed quirked girl's actions. Kyouka had an ear jack in her phone listening to music. As he walked to the door he was knocked to the ground. The person who knocked him down grabbed him by the arm and lifted him up and dusted him off. "Sorry cutie don't wanna be late we've got a new teacher today!" She said before rushing inside. Izuku didn't get a good look but she was tall and muscular from what he could tell. He saw blond locks bolt up the stairs as he went inside and headed to his class. Izuku sat down at his desk and opened up the green notebook labeled lost legends. Since he got his new quirk he's had weird dreams. Last night's dream was quite different. He had a dream about a blond haired woman dressed like a bikers wet dream. Leather jacket and long blonde hair with biker shorts and fishnet stockings. Her voice though. She had a super sonic scream that destroyed her enemies. "Cortana do a search on pre quirk age heroes with sound based powers." He said as he watched his classmates walk into the classroom. "Here you go boss. Warning class starts in five minutes." Izuku nodded and tapped his watch checking the info given to him. He then wrote down all the info he could on this woman. -Dinah Lance Queen, otherwise known as the hero black canary. Her ability was an ultrasonic screech, she was an expert martial artist and some old files state she had the ability fly or glide. She was married to the green arrow Oliver Queen. Her super hero costume is close to what I've been trying to design minus the corset.- he was looking up more info to write down but a pink hand in his face stopped him. "Hey Midori did you hear me? I asked if you got my text this morning?" Mina said as Izuku closed the info on his hud and said softly. "I'm sorry Ashido but I was busy looking something up and I hadn't had time. My mother is out of town so I had make sure everything was locked up before leaving." This made Mina smile as she said. "Well give me your answer to my text by the end of the day okay?" Izuku nodded as Kyouka noticed the drawing he'd just finished. "Izuku that's black canary! Why is she in one of your notebooks?!" She spoke loudly as the entire class turned to see a blushing Izuku. "Umm I've been having dreams with her in them Kyouka-chan." Joruta walked up to his desk and peered at what he had written. "If you want I may have a few issues of birds of prey. If you think this has to do with what you and I were talking about." He then added. "I'll pull out any info I can find on banshee as well" He mentioned him because his powers were similar and banshee could fly using his abilities. "Yeah but I can already fly. Although gliding using sound to lift you does seem pretty cool." The rest of the class that was listening nodded in agreement. Kyouka was playing with one of her earJacks as she thought about what he said.  The door opened once everybody got to their seats and all might burst through the door. "I AM.... WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!" He said as he came in wearing his silver age costume. Izuku chuckled at his mentor as his class's reaction to the pro hero was like a baseball player hitting a home run. "Good morning class, today we are doing hero exercises! But to do that you'll need.... These!" Out of the wall popped cubbies with their hero costumes in them. 23 cubbies which made some of the girls raise their hands. "Excuse me all might sensei how come there's one missing?" Momo asked as the class had their boxes. All except Izuku. "Because I designed my own hero costume for now. It's not what I have planned for its final design." He pulled a black and green breathing mask from his bag and the battle shirt his mother had made for him but with his own modifications and colored blue. He pulled out his armor and a utility belt with lots of pouches and had his web grenades hanging from the belt. Inside the pouches were extra web cartridges and snacks. He found out that using the speed force combined with his spider powers gave him a high metabolism so he had to eat constantly or eat things with high amounts of everything he needed. Which is why he designed something with his scientific and culinary mind after watching an old movie abut a crazy candy maker that made an entire meal in a stick of gum. He designed power bars that included an entire days amount of food. It'd be like eating ten thousand tacos in one bar. Of course he'd be the only one to eat it without dying. Aside from his Guinea pig deadpool. He bribed Izuku with money, hookers and new lab equipment for a chimichanga bar. Izuku took the money and lab equipment without realizing deadpool only gave it to him so he could help him make meth. Izuku snapped his neck and headed off to the boys changing room before Jurota and Koji followed him.  After changing and tying his boots he got up and walked out and waited with all might discussing things and Izuku warned him about deadpool's personality. "I'm sure he's not that bad young midoriya." The number 1 hero said as Jurota and Koji came into the training arena. Jurota's hero costume was simple. A collar like harness around his neck with a pair of pants and goggles in place of his glasses. Koji's costume was  a pair of yellow boots, yellow shorts and a long sleeve yellow shirt with red in the middle with a mouth dead center. The sleeves ended with red bands and the mask he wore had a yellow eye mask with an orange muzzle over his mouth. Izuku nodded to them as Jurota and Koji introduced themselves to the pro hero. As they walked in Jurota noticed how comfortable Izuku seemed talking to all might. Like they'd met before. He scratched his chin and shrugged before heading over to them with Koji. When the rest of the class arrived Izuku blushed slightly his tail flicking back and forth. From Ochako's tight latex costume to the very revealing costumes of Bakugou, Momo, and Kirishima. Izuku closed his eyes biting his lip as he saw through the Hud that Toru was basically naked wearing just gloves. He turned off his Hud removing his breathing mask so he wouldn't peep on the invisible girl. The girls all blushed at Izuku's hero costume. Kirishima scratched her head before she snapped her finger Said. "Oh wow midoriya-Kun looks like Vegeta from Dragonball Z!" Izuku's battle armor was a sleeveless armored vest with his blue shirt under it. He wore camo pants that were black and green with his belt around his waist. The armor is bullet proof and absorbs any heat to keep him warm in cool climates. The armor is a slate gray color with gold bands over the shoulders. He wore blood red steel toed boots and had his breathing mask in his hand. He walked over to the floating pair of gloves as the others were talking about their costumes. "Um Hagakure why don't you have a costume?" He asked quietly as he stood beside her looking up at the building they were standing in front of. "Because I'm invisible silly Midori. You're supposed to be a genius and you couldn't figure that out?" She said with a giggle. The other girls just rolled their eyes with Katsuki glaring at the invisible girl. 'Don't you fucking hug him invisibitch.' She thought angrily. "You couldn't find a designer to make a fabric that can turn invisible when you need it to?" He asked as he tapped his watch to see if he had anything on nanomesh stealth tech. "I can finish something in a week. I don't think it's right for people to stare at you if you're not wearing anything." Izuku said to her which made all the females in the class smile at how sweet he was until Toru in gratitude and thanks latched onto him. Izuku blushed with a drip of blood coming out of his nose. All might shook his head as he said. "Ah youth! Okay class now that you're suited up its time for the hero trials. You will be paired up randomly. Into teams of two. You will either be the villian team or the hero team. As the villian your job is to protect your 'bomb'." He lifted up a papermache bomb with one hand showing them the bomb. "If you can keep the heroes from getting the bomb within the time limit or defeat them you win. The heroes job is to either touch the bomb or to incapacitate the villains using capture tape." He held up the rolls of capture tape. He set them down and held up a box. "Everybody take a number." All might said. After everybody took a number and showed their teacher they headed into a room with a big computer screen. Twelve pairs showed up on the screen and Izuku smiled as he saw he was paired with Kyouka. He smiled as he walked over to her and they high fived. He was glad that he was partnered with his best friend. The screen buzzed and the pairs pictures sized by until only four were on the screen. Midoriya and Jiro VS Bakugou and Iida. Izuku sighed and looked over to see Bakugou glaring. He shook his head not realizing Katsuki was glaring at Kyouka for being his partner. "I'll show that perverted deku and that ear bitch that I'm better than both of them." She said as Iida said. "Language!" Bakugou glared at her and retorted. "Suck a cock." Iida gasped holding her hand in front of her mouth. "Why I never." She said before all might shouted out. "Okay villian team please head into the building. Your bomb is already there. Heroes they get a 15 minute leeway." They got to the top floor and Bakugou said. "You do what you want. I'm gonna go crush those losers." She walked out of the room as Iida said. "But we're supposed to work together." In the monitor room all might spoke into the mic. "Heroes go!" Izuku and Kyouka rushed in and Izuku said. "Can you see if you can hear them through the walls?" Kyouka nodded and placed an earJack against a wall. She closed her eyes and said "okay so Iida is on the top floor. From what I can hear she's shuffling the bomb around like she's practicing fung shway. Bakugou is on the fifth coming down quick. Got a plan?" Izuku nodded as he took his glasses off and put his mask on. He tapped the side and a faceplate slid up and demonic eyes covered his eyes. He tapped his earpiece and said. "I do. Here take a web grenade. I'll distract her while you go for the bomb." Kyouka tried to argue but he just shook his head at her. He checked to make sure his web shooters were full and said. "Take the other stairs keep in contact and make sure you can hear where Kaachan is going to avoid her." Kyouka nodded and headed up and said as she got to the fourth floor. "She's on the same floor and about to head to three where you are. Get ready." She said as she rushed up the stairs to the top floor. She slipped one of her earJacks into the sound booster on her wrist that Izuku designed. When she got to the top floor she held her hand in front of her mouth to stop her laughter. Iida was standing in a movie villian pose and going through lines. 

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