chapter ten: Dominating the UA Sports Festival!

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Midoriya the Lustful Hero CH 10: Dominating the sports festival

Izuku dodged a boulder that was thrown at him before blocking a katana strike with a bladed gauntlet he grew from his arm. Izuku was shirtless wearing a pair of shorts and combat boots. He turned his boot into a hammer and slammed it into Wade’s face, the crunch noise of Deadpool's skull breaking as he flew back and slammed into a tree in the USJ. Izuku jumped back dodging a slash from Wolverine’s claws. He blocked another strike from Wolverine with his gauntlet arm and headbutted the man who grinned at him. “Nice try kid, but headbutting an adamantium skull is useless.” Logan said as he grabbed the Greenette and threw him to Cain who slammed him into the ground. “AGAIN!” Cain said as Izuku stood up and got back into position. “My brother and Jean Grey were the greatest psychics of all time and could block attacks within milliseconds. Try again and only use your psychic abilities.” Logan nodded his head as Izuku used his psychic powers to block Wade’s katana strike. He grabbed Wade telepathically and threw him at Wolverine who jumped back barely avoiding it. Wolverine launched himself at Izuku slashing before his claws were stopped by a psychic shield. He then heard the sound of something and looked up to see the boulder coming at him. He stopped the boulder and tried to throw it with his mind but he got tired and it went half way towards Juggernaut. This is how the training had gone for the past few weeks. “Let’s take a break.” Logan said to which Cain nodded. “You’re getting better kid. Those twerps won’t know what hit them when you dominate this sports festival.” Cain said as Wade nodded. “Yeah the UA sports festival has become even better than the olympics in the last few decades. It's pretty fucking cool. I'm helping with the third year games this year.” Wade said as he took a bite out of a big burrito. Logan nodded and said. “He can beat any of the other first year hero course students. Not too sure about the gen ed and support students though. But we’ll beat you into the ground until you can take on any threat that comes at you. Don't just use your strength or your speed. That big brain of yours is your greatest weapon. Outthink and outsmart them all.” Izuku nodded before yawning. “You’ve got one more day before the sports festival so rest up. Then you make sure to dominate them.” Izuku nodded before Teleporting back to the dorms into his room. He jumped in surprise as he saw Momo sitting on his bed. She jumped and created a stun gun which she shot at him. He used his telekenisis to grab the wires and let them hit the ceiling. “Whoa Momo what are you doing in here?” he asked jumping back so she didn’t attack him again. “I was waiting for you because I am worried about you dummy. I didn’t think you’d be teleporting back in.” Izuku chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Let me guess? Is it because I've been training all day coming in before curfew and falling asleep?” Momo nodded her head with a frown. “Of course I am worried about you. You got really hurt at the USJ and saved us, but you’re making it seem like your getting hurt doesn’t matter to you? That hurts me Izuku. I really care about you and want you to take care of yourself.” she started crying at that point and Izuku felt bad. He hated seeing people cry. He didn’t realize his kind of training was hurting anybody. He sat down beside her on his bed and put his arm on him shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her and said. “Please be more careful. You're my first friend and I wouldn’t know what to do if anything happened to you. I know we’re training to be heroes but seeing you work yourself into the ground scares me.” Izuku blushed at the contact and what she said. He hugged her back and wrapped his tail around her. “I’m sorry about worrying you and everything. I'll try better. Tomorrow I'm resting for the sports festival.” This made her smile as she looked up at him and wiped her eyes making a box of tissues with her quirk. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. Feeling that Izuku’s tail was still wrapped around her and blushed. “Let’s spend the day together tomorrow to relax before the sports festival then.” Momo said with a smile to the greenette as he stood up and opened his minifridge. He pulled out a gatorade and a green tea from it and handed Momo the tea. She smiled and took the drink from him. “So what have you been doing to train?” Izuku asked her and she just shook her finger at him. “Nope, you won’t tell me what you’ve been doing I don’t tell you what I've been doing.” she sipped her drink before standing and giving Izuku a hug. “I’ll see you at dinner.” She kissed his cheek a blush on her cheek as Izuku’s face turned bright red.
Izuku cleaned up and went upstairs to begin to make dinner. After he finished cooking he put everything on the table wrapped up for everyone as was still out training. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a cold breath on his ear. “Hello Izuku-koi, did you have a good day training?” Shoto said with a smile as she kissed his ear. Izuku was blushing like mad and he twitched a little bit. “Umm hhiii Shoto. Yes I did. How was your training?” He asked as he backed up to the counter where he began cleaning up. She pouted a bit but moved closer to him. Momo came into the area and sighed at Todoroki. She had told the dual haired girl not to go to hard with her flirting with Izuku. “Would you like me to set out plates for those of us that are here?” Momo asked and Izuku nodded his head and she set the table with Shoto helping. They sat down and Jurota and Koji came in and thanked Izuku for their meal. Izuku smiled and ate his dinner before heading off to shower. Once he was cleaned up there was a knock at the door. “Ring the bell.” he said looking at his computer hologram screen. The bell was rung and Joruta’s face appeared on the screen. “I figured you’d be up to a bit of conversation and 3D chess my friend.” Izuku smiled and opened the door. “So when did you install a ring doorbell?” Izuku chuckled and said. “When girls kept coming in my room without asking. The door won’t unlock anymore until I press a button on my console or on my watch/webshooter.” Izuku grabbed a box from his bookshelf and sat down in one of the chairs at his table and set up the board. Joruta looked at the mannequin with Izuku’s new hero suit and said. “Quite a different style than your old suit, guessing you didn’t want anything breaking like last time?” Izuku nodded as he finished setting the board up and made the first move. “Figured I'd need a heavier style suit due to the beatings I took at the USJ. I won’t let it happen again. You see the greaves? Aside from the holsters on them where my webshooters go there’s cartridges of ten million nanobots in each arm. There are also cartridges in the knees and inside the boots and my new helmet. I figured enough of them can strengthen anything.” Joruta looked at the suit and nodded his head. “Interesting, it looks like it’s modeled after mandolorian armor mixed with jedi style armor from the clone wars.” Izuku nodded as Joruta turned looking at the board before making his move. He then looked at the armor and said. “Can’t wait to see how it holds up with your transformations.”” Izuku and Joruta played three games tying each time until Izuku won the fourth game. They packed the board up and Izuku fistbumped his friend before turning back to the greenette. “Enjoy your date with Yaoyorozu tomorrow my devilish brother.” Joruta said grinning with his teeth showing. Izuku blushed and said. “We’re just going for a walk. I honestly don’t understand what any of these girls see in me. I'm just like any other guy.” Joruta shook his head and said. “That’s where you’re wrong Izuku. You’re kind, caring, heroic, and brave. You think of others before yourself and never give up on your friends. You saw your classmate had a problem and you fixed it. You helped Pony learn japanese, you made it so Yaoyorozu could use her quirk better. You hacked into Wayne industries and Stark industries and stole blueprints just so your classmate could be seen and so she wouldn’t be naked while in her hero costume which was nothing but gloves and boots. I'm sure you don’t even see the one right in front of you since you were a kid. You have helped so many of our classmates and you ask for nothing in return aside from friendship. You are a great guy Izuku. I'm proud to call you my friend. They see it and I see it. I wish you would too.” Joruta left the room and headed upstairs. Izuku shut the door and sighed softly as he looked up at the ceiling “Fuck. He's right. I’ve been ignoring it for a while but I'm sure they’ll start confessing to me soon.” he took his webshooter watch off and set it in the charger and tapped a section of the wall and a compartment with a miniature arc reactor opened. Izuku checked the device to see the entire building was now being powered by it. “That’s what happens when you drop a box of Nanobots connected to a power source like this.” he said as he called principal Nezu. “Hello sir. I just wanted you to know my power project is up and running and the entire building is now off grid.” “Well that’s wonderful Midoriya. I'd love if you could build more for the other dorms and the school. But I know it takes time to build. I'll have the money sent to your account.” Izuku smiled before hanging up. He slipped into his bed after changing and said. “Cortana lock door and set the lock so only Aizawa or another UA staff member can open it, But not Wade.” the image of his AI appeared by his bed and said. “Of course boss. Miss Momo has set an alarm for tomorrow for your date.” Izuku sighed and closed his eyes.

Izuku smiled as he and Momo sat on a bench in his favorite park drinking boba tea. Cortana had picked out Izuku’s outfit for the day. He wore a sleeveless grey shirt with a long sleeve green flannel shirt tucked into his black jeans with a pair of red vans. Momo was dressed in a knee length black skirt with a grey belly shirt and a matching flannel shirt but hers was sleeveless in case she needed to use her quirk. She wore a pair of flat black running shoes and knee length black and green socks on her feet. “So you’d come here to practice your quirk?” she asked him as she sipped her boba. Izuku nodded and said " yeah, I got a group of squirrels mad at me once though for compelling them to give me their nuts.” Momo giggled and leaned her head on his shoulder. A squirrel was scampering across the grass before seeing Izuku and shaking its fist as it angrily chittered at the greenette. Momo snorted and laughed at the critter as Izuku whispered into his watch and it started chittering like a squirrel. The squirrel glared before running off. Izuku stood up and said. “We should go, we’ll miss the movie.” Momo smiled and stood but noticed that a few of their classmates were watching them from behind a few trees. “Yeah I noticed Mina, Toru, Kaminari and Pony stalking us.” Izuku said as they walked off with the girls following at a sedate pace. Izuku whispered. “Grab my arm.” Momo wrapped her arms around his arm pressing her massive chest into his arm. Izuku teleported away leaving the girls pouting.

The day of the sports festival.

Izuku stood in the locker room for class 1-A and stretched out a bit as he put his web shooters on. Todoroki walked up to him and said. “Izu-koi. I’m putting out a declaration of war to you.” Izuku smiled and said. “While I appreciate it, I think everyone here has a chance to win. But just so you all know....” Hair shadowed Izuku’s eyes as his voice took a husky demon-like tone. “I AIM TO WIN.” The others had different reactions. Joruta, Kirishima, Cammy, Ochako and Mina grinned though for different reasons. Momo, Jiro, and Tsuyu rolled their eyes at his antics. Bakugo growled in anger and the rest of the girls shivered. Most in a good way but Mineta felt like the devil himself was in her presence. Izuku turned and stared right at her as he said. “I want to say this now. Don’t besmirch our class by being a pervert. Do you understand Mineta?” His voice deepened again as his pupils slitted, and his aura flared. Mineta nodded her head so fast she looked like a bobble head doll. “Good I believe it’s almost time to get started.” Izuku then went off to change and stretch as he remembered his last conversation with All Might before the sports festival began.
Izuku stood in front of all might in his skinny form in one of the staff rooms wondering why his teacher asked him here. “Young Midoriya, with the sports festival upon you, you must show the world who you are. That you’re the next All Might. Stand proud and tell them I AM HERE!” Toshinori said as he changed to his muscle form before reverting back with a spurt of blood. Izuku nodded his head as he said with a grin. “Of course sensei, Cain-Sensei told me to show them what I'm made of and im not going to let any of you down. I will show the world that I am a hero that can change the world.” Toshinori smiled softly at his protégé's statement. ‘i wish you were still here sensei... you’d love this kid.’ he then patted Izuku on the head and said. “Now I believe you have a delicious burrito for me?”  Izuku smiled mischievously and said. “Yeah, I sprouted and grew the beans myself.”

In the stadium three individuals were sitting in the announcement booth. One was Eraserhead herself and the other two were the announcers that UA splurged to hire for the first years. Present Mic was announcing for the third years this year with Deadpool. The two gentlemen were strange to say the least. One was a tall pale white-haired man with glasses in a green t-shirt and a lab coat. The most distinguishing feature was the man’s robotic left arm. The man between him and Eraserhead was shorter, chubbier and clearly looked American. He wore a white wife beater under a ripped sleeveless flannel shirt with a trucker hat. He had brown hair with a scruffy beard and you couldn’t see it but he had a shotgun for a right leg.  the white-haired man began to speak into his Mic as he said. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this year’s first year UA High Sports Festival. I’m Wiz and this is Boomstick, here with UA Teacher and Pro Hero Eraserhead. We'll be giving you the play by play for the events today for the first year competition!” Boomstick grinned and waved both arms as Eraserhead muttered. “Why did Nezu hire these clowns?” in the third year stadium Deadpool was in the announcer’s booth with Nezu and present mic and Nezu said to Wade. “Do you think she’s mad yet?” Wade grinned which you could see as he rolled his mask up over his mouth so he could eat a churro. “Hell yeah she’s upset. She hate’s those two because they gave her a bad rating a few years ago on their broadcast.” Back at the first year stadium Boomstick shouted. “And first up is the group of students that fought off against a group of villians and survived! The hero course students of Class 1-A!!!” the crowd cheered as they walked out through their tunnel and Izuku strode out first and flexed out his wings letting them glint in the light, cameras clicked as they walked out. “They haven’t gotten as much street time but I'm sure they’ll shine. The hero course students of class 1-B!” Wiz said as class 1-B filed out onto the field. Monoma growled and glared up at the announcer's booth. “You Philistine! You don’t know greatness if it bit you on the ass!” then he got bopped on the head by Itsuka. “Calm down.” she said as they filed up next to class 1-A. Boomstick continued where Wiz left off. “Next up is general studies classes C, D and E! Support classes F, G and H and Finally business classes I, J and K!” Wiz then said. “Give it up for all of UA’s first year contestants.” Midnight was standing on the platform in the field as she said. “Now for the introductory speech. Now for the student pledge we have Izuku Midoriya!” The girls muttered. “Midnight sensei really should’ve worn a different outfit.” Karasuba said. “Is that really appropriate for a high school game?” Mineta just gave two thumbs up before she dropped her thumbs at the glare Izuku gave her before he walked up the steps and stood before the mic. He took a deep breath and said. “Not all people are created equal. Some are born with power and misuse the gifts they were given. Some have earned their power through hard work and dedication. Some people believe their quirks to be a curse. I was one of those people. It doesn’t matter if you have a flashy quirk or if it looks sounds villianous, it’s what you do with that power you were given that matters! The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Just remember, you have to get though me to win. I WON’T GO EASY ON ANYBODY.” the last part was said as his psychic Phoenix fire flared and he flexed his wings out. Some of the students shuddered as others got fired up by the last part.  ‘Stupid Deku always trying to show off. I'll show that sexy jerk.’ Bakugo thought, Momo just sighed and thought ‘Of course he’d put a target on his back to keep the heat off of the rest of us.’ Kyouka just sighed as she mutter. “Yep, figured he’d say something like that.” “So cool Kero.” Tsuyu said with a deadpan stare. Midnight then started a roulette of what the first game would be and Wiz shouted. “And the first game is the obstacle race! Midnight if you would?” Midnight smiled and said. “Why thank you Wiz, all eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium. As long as you don’t leave the course you’re free to do whatever your heart desires!” Izuku grinned mischievously as he rubbed his hypercube on his belt. The other members of class 1-A saw that and gulped. ‘Since Izuku-kun made his own support gear he’s allowed to use it. Lucky.’ Momo thought as Midnight shouted. “Now then, take your places contestants!” everyone got ready to moved and izuku crouched down his wings back until. “BEEEP!” the buzzer went off and Izuku launched off the ground green and yellow sparks coming off him as he blurred through the tunnel dropping stuff as he flew through. He swore as he was almost hit by a zero pointer’s arm as he cleared the tunnel. “Fuck, of course they’d use the zero pointers. Oh well guess I'll cause a bit of havoc.” Back in the tunnels the first people to get through weren’t lucky as they’d stepped on Izuku’s web mines lodging them and anybody near them in place. Izuku smashed the zero pointers and quickly dropped them from the air back to the ground with his psychic powers where they littered the course before he got to the second obstacle. Boomstick shouted. “Looks like Midoriya from 1-A got past the robots pretty quickly it says here his quirk is amazing and has different aspects. He's one to watch.” Eraserhead said. “Problem child’s attack was both offensive and defensive. Look how he scattered and dropped the downed robots. If someone weren’t careful the pieces would come loose as they climbed and the whole thing would crumble. My problem child is a one-of-a-kind genius.” Boomstick chuckled and said. “Well let’s see how he fares against the next obstacle The Fall!” Wiz nodded and said. “They’ll have to get creative here. One mis-step and they take a spill. But I'm sure Midoriya will just fly over it with his wings.” Eraserhead smirked and said. “He won’t he’ll finish the rest of the race in one second.” the two gaped and Boomstick said. “How do you know?” she smirked under her bandages and said. “He’s just that much of a problem.” This made the two other hosts lump in their seats in frustration.  Izuku grinned as he teleported to the other side before he went to the next part and pulled a web grenade out and threw it across the seemingly empty path. The ground exploded and he gaped. “Seriously? Mines!?” he then got into a runner’s stance and bolts of electricity sparked off him in emerald and gold before he shouted as he channeled the speed force and One For All through his body. “Sprint of Hermes!” he bolted across the field explosions going off before he ended up back in the stadium. “HE did it! Midoriya has beaten the course and come in first!” Izuku grinned as he waved to the crowd as they cheered for him. He watched on the monitors he grinned as he saw that the pink haired girl screamed as one of her ‘babies’ was gunked up by one of the web mines Izuku left on each of the stone pillars he’d thrown there before going off to win. He chuckled and thought. ‘Bet I'll get some interest in my web capture grenades and mines by companies now.’ As the rest of the classes got closer to the finish Bakugo and Todoroki were neck in neck. Izuku then glared as he saw that even though Momo was using rocket skates he’d helped her design she was going slower than she should. That's when he noticed it. Mineta had used her grape hair to stick to Momo’s shirt. He flashed out in a teleport and ripped Mineta off of Momo’s shirt ripping it in the process. “Sorry Mo-chan but you had a bug on you.” she blushed and said. “Thank you Izu-kun.” Izuku then looked at Mineta and said as he wound up a throw channeling one for all and his spider strength. “I warned you ya pervert. Now blast off!” he then launched the girl out into the city as she shouted. “Team Mineta is blasting off again!” he then teleported back to the end and said. “Sorry about that. Had to swat a mosquito.”  Boomstick laughed loud and said. “Damn! That was such a boss move to launch that pervy grape girl!” Wiz then said. “While that was cool during that exchange the second and third place contestants are now coming in! In second is Shoto Todoroki! In third is Momo Yaoyurozo! Fourth place is Katsuki Bakugo!” He then listed up until the last finalist. “And that is it for the race! Next up is Cavalry battle!” Izuku then noticed that he had one million points and gaped before grinning. He then took a breath as he tried to figure out who to team up with.....

Midoriya the lustful heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora