Peter the Wolf and MJ of the Sky People 3

Start from the beginning

"She's really pissed off at you, you know," Clarke said and I let out a laugh only to groan in pain.

"That was a bad idea and she's got every right to be. I did just leave her alone," I said.

"I have to say your taler than when you left,"

"I am?"

"Ya, I'd say a good half-foot taller," She said and I nodded some.

"I'll look into that later,"

"I don't understand how you can turn," Clarke said softly.

"It's genetic. Something passed down from the old world, long before Praimfaya. We were many, now I'm the last that I know of," I said.

"I'm sorry to hear about that," Clarke said softly before she furrowed her brow.

"Wait, you know about genetics?"



"I may be a Grounder that stays in the woods as a Wolf most of the time, but I know more than you think, I do. Things your people would be jealous of. PLay your cards right and with the PROPER Chancelier, I'll help more than just teaching your People to survive," I said and Clarke nodded before I groaned some as I felt my ribs heal even more.

"Get Lexa in here, now," I all but growled out and Clarke nodded before she ordered one of the guards to get her. A few minutes had passed before Lexa stormed in.

"What is the problem?" She asked.

"I need you to break my ribs. Again. They're healing wrong. You have the strength and I trust you enough to do this for me," I gritted out and Lexa nodded.

"I apologize deeply for the pain I'm going to inflict on you," She said before she punched me in the ribs. A second later, we all heard the sounds of my ribs breaking and a curse leaving my lips. It took an hour and over fifty blows to my ribs, to keep breaking them before the doors opened once more.

"What are you doing?!" I heard.

"Keeping his broken. He has a healing factor. Faster than anything we've ever seen. His ribs were healing but they were healing wrong," Clarke said.

"A healing factor should be impossible," the lady said and I caught her scent. Clarke's mom. I thought.

"And none of us should be alive right now, yet here we are. Lexa make a small cut on my arm. Not to deep but enough to draw blood," I said and I saw her nod before she grabbed a knife.

"Watch, mother of Clarke," I said and she looked at me in shock before she turned to my arm. I didn't even flinch as Lexa cut me before she stopped. I watched as Clarke's mother looked at my arm in shock before it turned to awe as most of my blood went back into my arm as it closed.

"That's incredible,"

"No, you may not take my blood to study. If you do, I won't hesitate to kill you or anyone else that has my blood. Even if it's your whole camp," I said and Clarke's mother nodded in fear. 

The next two hours were filled with the constant breaking of my ribs until they were set normally and I sighed in relief. I nodded my thanks to Lexa and she nodded back before she left while the rest of my wounds were gone and cleaned.

"Now that, that's over. I'm going to get food then go see if MJ is going to yell at me," I said.

"MJ?" I heard Abby, the name of Clarke's mother, I happened to hear during the two hours, ask softly.

"He's talking about Michelle Jones. She holds his Symbol. Something that's not given out lightly. Hurt her. You'll start a war that will only lead to your death. Something to do with Sacred Rules. Some men attacked her, Lexa and I yesterday just before he arrived and he growled so loud that the room shook. He ripped the man that was on top of Michelle off and held him up by his throat for several minutes like the man was nothing but a piece of paper," Clarke said before I tuned her out and left.

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