He moved away quickly going back into the darkness, you couldn't see him but you could hear a rattling, like metal against metal. He quickly came back and you saw that it was a tool box, he rattled it in your face still with a wide smirk on his face.

He started by slicing; your skin was tough, harder than humans so human tools wouldn't work. He had to use specialised weapons that could hurt demons if he wanted to make you scream, the first weapon used looked like a scalpel, but it was a deep earthy red from the metal, forged from hells soil.

He started with your left arm, he took the knife and made a deep large cut down the back of your forearm which was strapped by the elbow and wrist to the chair's arms. The pain blinded you. Never had you been this injured. Blood poured out of the wound and down the side of your arm, it looked like you had dipped your arm in a barrel of blood.

It throbbed and burned and he quickly matched the pain in your other arm by creating a similar slice. He had ripped through muscles and tendons and you were sure if there wasent so much blood you would be able to see the bone in both arms.

"Your horn had grown back different, but they are both odd now. Shall I sort it for you?" as he was saying this, he pulled out a sledge hammer.

Before you could protest, he lifted it high and swung for your face. You shut your eyes expecting the impact to be your face from his angle but unknown to you he changed his trajectory and instead hit your fully black horn.

It snapped off instantly the noise echoing through the room, you screamed in pain, horns were one of the most sensitive parts of a demon and had a very intricate series of nerves and blood vessels flowing through them to keep them standing proud.

Blood ran down the little stub that was left and then ran down you face. You had to shut an eye to stop it from filling with blood, it ran all the at down and dropped off your chin to the floor adding to the dripping noises from before.

You didn't realise it but he was going for another swing of his sledge hammer, this one struck home on your stomach, the air from your lungs was expelled blood soon following, being coughed up afterwards and splatting to the floor in big clots. If you were human, that hit would have killed you instantly.

You were gasping, trying to pull air back into your lungs. Blood dropped down into your legs from your hunched form, he sent a couple of harsh sharp punches to your face to your face sending the already running blood flying across the room and painting the walls red.

He took one of your arms out of there binds and held it out straight palm facing up, he then sent his knee up and into your elbow breaking the joint in two. Finally doing the same to the other one. Pain, that's all you felt, you had never been this ripped up. Never had you lost this much blood, you started to feel the life flow out of you.

He undid all of your chains and then threw you to the floor, you could hear shuffling but could tell what he was doing. You finally understood when the cracking of a whip sounded and a flashing pain struck your back, he had a leather whip but the ends were capped in the same hell metal that the previous knife had.

This allowed the whip to easily dig into your skin and let the blood flow from your back as well. He continued to whip your back, occasionally hitting previous lashes and sometimes creating new ones. Either way, every time his hand was brought down pain quickly followed. And it didn't look like he was going to stop for sometime.

This was going to be a get long and painful experience...

*Sebastians POV*

The order to save (Y/N) still stood, but the only evidence for what happened was the body of the low levelled demon. After that, the trail went stale. Nothing to point you to where she might be. What further worried you want that you couldn't sense her, she was masked from you.

She was still alive as you could feel your connection and currently that was your only saving grace. But it didn't mean you could afford to waste time, at any point things could go bad.

You were pouring tea for Ciel, Earl Grey, he was looking through the very little evidence on (Y/N)'s kidnapping. All was fine and you were carrying Ciels tea to his desk, when a striking pain hit the back of your forearm. It hurt so much and was such a surprise that your hand released and you dropped the cup and saucer, which fell to the floor in front of his desk and smashed to pieces spilling the contents inside.

"Sebastian!" Ciel yelled.

You went to answer when your other arm was soon hit with the same pain which quickly cut you off, you couldn't figure out where it was coming from. You soon fell to the floor and was unable to control your form as pain flashed across your body, Ciel shouting at you're the whole time.

Your eyes widened when you finally realised what was happening "it's (Y/N) she's being hurt" you just managed to push out of your mouth.

It didn't take long for Ciel to put together what was happening to you. Your connection with (Y/N) meant that every bit of pain she was feeling you could also feel.

"Focus in on it" Ciel said.

You gave him a confused look, unable to speak and Ciel explained "use the pain. Find her location use the connection to your advantage"

That's all he had to say, you closed your eyes and did as Ciel ordered, you used the pain to find (Y/N).


My new Levi + Reader Oneshots book is out. Please go and check it out if you have time.

One again thank you for reading A Demon Inside❤️

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