"She said that's the reason you and only you," Polly continued, "are able to see those girls. Because you can see between the... the..." Her brow furrowed. "The things." She waved her hands wide, like she was gesturing to the whole room.

"Planes. The girl can see between the planes of existence," Matilda corrected, not even bothering to turn around. She was still busy fussing over something in the corner.

"Between the planes of existence," Polly echoed, rolling her eyes. "You can see between the planes because the Beast left some kind of psychic 'hole' in your arm. Like a portal."

Chills ran up my neck. I was a fucking portal for spirits to enter this world?

"And because of that," Matilda picked up, returning from the corner with large, heavy looking amulet, "we must pull that spirit out of you as soon as is possible, and then close that portal before anything else gets out of—or into—you." 

The way she said it, her eyes burning even behind the cloud of white. I felt her gaze on my face, and I shivered.

I knew what she meant by anything else—something like the Beast. I never wanted to face anything like that ever again, let alone allow it to pass through my body

It did not bring me comfort, but Matilda was right.

I needed an exorcism. 

I needed it now.

I straightened up in my seat. "Fine, then. Let's do this."

Matilda grinned and I realized she was missing quite a few teeth. "See, I knew you were a smart girl." She elbowed Polly. "It is the wisest of all to listen to those wiser than you."

Polly glared down at the strange tiny woman her but didn't say anything.

"Shall we begin, then?" Matilda said, putting the amulet over hear head and letting it hang heavy against her chest. It was so big on her small frame that it was a miracle that she didn't topple over under its weight.

I nodded, trying to look unafraid and failing miserably. My lip was trembling uncontrollably. "Is this gonna hurt?" I asked, my voice coming out small and childlike.

Matilda tilted her head in my direction. Her heavy gaze fell on me and she gave me a small smile. 

"Yes, it will."

And she was right.

I don't know what she did, but one second I was seated, almost comfortably, in that chair. The next, I was being pulled in two different directions. It felt like I was about to be ripped in half, split right down the middle. I could almost feel the sinews and strands of my muscle and skin start to snap, one by one.

No! Stop! I thought through the haze of pain.

There was a whooshing roar in my ears. I was sure I was screaming but I couldn't hear my own voice.

I could hear Polly's voice though.

"H-How long is this going to take?" she asked, her voice shaking. She sounded afraid.

"As long as it takes," Matilda replied.

"Will... Will she be able to handle it?" Polly asked again, her voice shaky and weak in a way I had never heard it before.

"She'll have to. There's no other way."

Stop! Please stop! I screamed in my head, but it was all drowned out by the roar. I can't do this! I can't! STOP!

The Psychic Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें