Chapter 2

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Reid and Gwen spent the next few hours gathering what information they could from women who worked the streets and clubs. Mainly the clubs.

Only a few could actually help. Half of them would say they saw the victims but didn't know them personally. The others would be able to say when the victims worked and how they acted.

"There is only one thing that can be done to help find this killer quicker." Gwen said.

Reid looked at her and it took only a second to realize what she meant.

"It's too dangerous. What if you are the next victim?" He asked.
"There's something I can do that will help you find me if that happens. I'll tell you about it along with the rest of the team."

They headed back to meet the rest of the team.

"I have an idea that could help us catch him quicker. Before anyone objects I have something that will be able to help you track me if I happen to become his next victim." Gwen announced to the team.
"What is your plan?" Hotch asked.
"I go undercover as a stripper. Be in different clubs each night until we find him." Gwen answered.
"Or until he finds you." Reid countered looking at her.

Rossi glanced between them before saying, "You can go undercover on two conditions. One club only until we find him." He paused. "The last is Reid stays with you."

Gwen thought about for it a second.

"Sounds good. He won't be the only one protecting me though, unless Jace can't stay with me."
"He can stay." Hotch said. "We'll get you set up in a room that's a few blocks from the club he hasn't been at yet."
"You think he's going to each one in the city?" J.J asked.
"He has to be if women from each one we went to could tell us they have seen the victims." Rossi said.

Gwen was able to get what she needed from home for herself and Jace before heading to the hotel.

Laying everything out on one of the beds Gwen and Reid went through their notes of what the victims looked like and how they dressed.

Later that night after a few hours of rest Gwen was dressed and ready to go.

"Before I step out of here I want your word that this stays between us." She said through the bathroom door.
"It can't be that bad. You fit the profile of the victims so..."
"Reid, just stop. I get what you're saying." Gwen told him opening the door.

She was dressed in a blue and black two piece dress with 3 1/2 inch heels.

Reid took a second to look her up and down before looking Gwen in the eye.
"You ready for this?" He asked her.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Plus the faster we catch this guy the better."

A Criminal Minds Love Story (Dr Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now