"I'm not sure." I whispered unintentionally.

"How?" Axel snapped. "How could you not know?" I tried to ignore all the eyes watching me and the harshness of his voice. My tongue trapped in my mouth unable to respond.

"I asked her self this myself. She is mostly self taught some languages she's never actually spoken with another person. 'It could be gibberish for all I know.' Her words not mine." Corey said. His face had some sauce from his sandwich on it. What shocked me more was when Raven shifted to lean over and lick it off his face before whispering to the shocked man.

"Gross you two!" Nathan yelled chuckling. No one reacted the way I thought they would. So like my outburst, we ignored that too.

"Gentlemen before we get distracted, again, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves. I'm Mr.Blackbourne. Doctor..."

"Owen! I can introduce myself." Dr. Green playfully cut his friend off. "Pookie, I'm Dr. Sean Green. I'm so sorry for the fright I gave you earlier." Pookie? He has called me that twice now, but I just nodded. I'd ask Raven or Corey later.

"Axel Toma." The pictures didn't do any of them justice. His long dark hair was pulled back in a low ponytail with his arms crossed on his chest, you could easily see his Native American heritage. I remember reading a sad book on the trail of tears. I couldn't help but wonder what he would look in a feather headdress.

"I'm Marc Weiland." He had interesting eyes. One blue and one green.

"Heterochromia." I said almost giddy. Every man seems so different. Marc nodded at my observation. Mr. Blackburn's raised eyebrow didn't go unnoticed.

"Nathan Griffin." His short reddish-brown hair that looks soft like rabbit fur. I wanted to touch it. His stern face and serious blue eyes made me reconsider. Either that or the fact he was one of the buffer men here.

"Brandon Henshaw. Corey's twin." He was an almost exact replica of Corey. Other then their eyes I couldn't identify a difference in the two. They both have cerulean blue eyes. Corey's happy, while Brandon's held a deep sort of tragedy. Something happened to him that didn't happen to Corey.

"North Taylor." He was even grouchy saying his name.

"Luke Taylor." The mischief he was already planning twinkled in his eyes.

"Gabriel Fucking Coleman but fucking call me Gabe. I'm going to get my fucking hands on that beautiful hair."

"Mr. Coleman, please contain yourself." Mr.Blackbourn said. I would of been worried but Raven had mentioned his love of fashion, art, and hair when I started using his clothes as bedding. Something about dealing with his... well gabeness when he saw my hair.

"Told you." Raven whispered in my ear pulling me closer to him.

"Aggele mou, I'm Silas Korba. It is a pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you!" He said in greek. He was a giant! Easily the biggest man in the room. My face heated up as he winked at me. These gorgeous men were going to be the death of me.

"Victor Morgan." His fire eyes still amazed me. He was not the tallest but he had a sophisticated air to him, similar to Mr. Blackbourne. The way he ran his fingers over the edge of the table like he was playing a melody on a piano. I wondered if he played. I knew him and Corey spent a lot of time on the computers. Hackers I think.

"Dakota Lee, though everyone calls me Kota." His emerald green eyes watched me from behind his black-rimmed glasses. He was the epitome of a nerd in every book I've ever read.

"You know Raven and Corey." Axel said before tossing his plate in the sink before leaving the room without another word. He did not like me.

"He takes a while to warm up to people." Brandon said. I still hadn't touched my food. To avoid a ticked health freak I started nibbling just in case. I surely wasn't used to such large portions I've been given this last week. Raven has been making sure I've gotten more than my share of food.

"When are we leaving?" I asked Raven, before taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"What do you mean, kitten?"

"You told me if I met all the guys you'd take me to Sampson. I've met them." I couldn't be anything that hopeful I'll get to see my friends today. Raven glanced at Corey.

"You did promise." He said with a smirk. He has been wanting to meet them also. After all the stories I've heard of his family it made me excited to share mine. I looked around the room, everyone seemed to be waiting for Raven's answer.

Luke mouthed something at me. Out of instinct, I used sign language to ask him what he meant not realizing he probably couldn't understand. We used it a lot at the circus to help during shows. One of the older stage hands taught me after I accidentally fell from a misstep breaking several ribs. He tried to warn me but his words were unheard over the crowd. When Luke's eyes lit up with recognition, he signed back. 'Pout your lips and give him big puppy dog eyes.' From the look on some of the other men's faces I wasn't the only one who understood. I turned making sure to have Raven's attention.

"Please." I said following Luke's instructions. Glancing over at Luke, his thumbs up assured me I was doing right.

"Fine kitten, but the others will come too." He said.

"Deal!" I yelled jumping up to run upstairs to grab my shoes!

"Slow down kitten! Eh, fuck it. Anyone going with us has 5 to get ready." Raven said after Corey bolted up the stairs after me. He was excited as I was.

"Were are going to have so much fun." Corey snickered. I just nodded my head thinking 'you have no idea.'

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