"Nope, never." The older boy said as he pursed his lips and turned on his heels to walk in the direction of the school field.

The boys both sat together on the bleachers and was quickly joined by the pair, Johnny and Ten.

They shouted along with the audience and cheered for their schools football team. Jaehyun pulled Taeyong to sit when he would stand up to cheer with the crowd. When Lucas looked over to check if his friends all made it, he waved to them.

They all continued to watch the game until it was over and then the semester break officially started.

It was over a week since Taeyong had seen Jaehyun since the Jungs decided to travel abroad for the two weeks of semester break.

They frequently called each other and texted now and then.

Taeyong was beginning to wonder what they really were. Jaehyun nor him has ever specified if they were actually dating or just seeing each other.

They chatted, sometimes held hands when they were alone and sweet talked. At school they always hung out together, but what exactly were they?

Taeyong was too afraid to ask, not wanting to pressure the younger or scare him off. But he needed clarity.

It was night and Taeyong was currently laying on his bed and browsing through his social media.

While scrolling he paused when he saw a picture of Jaehyun with his family, they were at a fancy restaurant by the looks of it.

He looks so good.

Taeyong zoomed in on Jaehyuns face tracing his finger along his features. He sighed, he definitely missed the younger boy and wondered if he should call him or not.

The timezones were a bit far apart and maybe Jaehyun would be asleep and almost waking by now. Just then he saw an incoming call from the boy.

Shouldn't he be asleep?

"Hello?" He asked with uncertainty.

"Tae, come downstairs and open the door for me"


Open the door? Is he here?

"I'm outside your house right now. Let me in."

Taeyong quickly hung up and hurriedly went down the stairs to open the front door. His heart was about to jump into his throat at the thought of Jaehyun being behind it.

He unlocked the door and steadied his breathing which had become erratic from running down the stairs.

He was met by Jaehyun with his small suitcase in hand.

"Hey, baby" jaehyun said while winking with a mischievous smile.

Taeyong immediately ran towards and wrapped his arms around the taller boy.

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?!" Taeyong shouted quietly trying not to make any noise as his mom was currently in her room upstairs and it was already late.

"I missed you so I came back early" the younger shrugged.

"W-what?" Taeyong felt his cheeks heat and a blush slowly crept over them. Fortunately for him, it was too dark for the younger boy to see.

"I'm serious, I missed you so I came a few days before my family. Also, I told them I had stuff to get done before school opens next week." Jaehyun smiled, his dimples contoured with the street light.

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