waking up isn't his favourite thing

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(*≧∀≦*) fluff  (*≧∀≦*)


quirk: Hacking: the quirk is similar to brainwashing but the user can fully take over the targets senses, movements and thoughts. the main downside is that the user can get extreme migraines if used for more than a short period of time or try and control multiple people.

To most people's surprise (or not), Tamaki wasn't a morning person. The only way you could get him out of the comfort of his bed was to bribe him with his favourite food or just to drag and carry him out into the common room of the dorms most of the time.
And even after that, he would still just cling onto you and try to have a couple more minutes of sleep in your warmth which you didn't mind but was annoying when you both needed to get ready or running late.

Once you both graduate U.A and decided to share an apartment together, it got worse since you were still asleep when he needed to get up and ready, making him overly grumpy until he got some fresh air and some food.

Tamaki worked under FatGum and you under Eraser Head, which had its downs and ups in your relationship but you still both made it worked. The main complication was that he would be out on patrol during the day and you during the night, so seeing each other when you were both awake was rare unless you bumped into one-another when he was coming back from work and you were getting ready for it.
But this week you both managed to get a long weekend together after two month of work and once you had finished your patrol and got back home to see Tamaki sleeping on your bed, you couldn't wait to finally have some time with him.

You woke up the next morning, Tamakis' head on your chest, mumbling softly every now and again. You couldn't help but smile, it's been so long since you've actually gotten to see him wake up peacefully like this. And you decided to absorb every bit of this moment before you know you had to get him out of bed that would make him a grumpy little Tamaki.
"Good morning..." he said, sounding still sleepy, moving himself to lay directly on you.
"Good morning." you reply, trying your best to place a soft kiss on the top of his head making him blush like always.

After about 10 minutes of just cuddling him, you finally decided to try and get up.
"Love, we need to get up." you said, hoping he would agree and not make you have to carry him.
"No, we don't have work." he replied obviously getting grumpy at the thought of having to get up.
"But we need to eat breakfast, I promise after we can cuddle on the sofa."
"No, cuddle now."
Now, one thing that he had gotten from becoming a pro hero was confidence when he wanted something or when he wanted to get a point across, which was great, but you hadn't thought he would be so demanding on his wants with you.
"Darling, we can cuddle while eating breakfast?" you try and bargain with him, making him let out a huff knowing that they would just go back and forth until they both gave up.
"Fine, but you're carrying me (Y/N)." he finally gave up, honestly just happy to be able to be in your arms, even if it did mean getting out of bed.


a/n: sorry this isn't the best, i'm currently getting back into writing uwu

tamaki amajiki x male reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora